Virtual Sunday School Week 1:
the helpers
Read through this lesson and decide how you want to share with your family. During times of uncertainty, it’s helpful to set aside moments to address anxieties and fears that might otherwise be left unsaid. This short lesson is designed to open up conversation about what is happening right now and how children might be able to take some control in a largely uncontrollable time.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
-Mr. Rogers
Is there anything that feels scary about what’s happening right now?
Who are some of the helpers you see?
A blackout can be a scary time, but this wasn’t a scary story! How did the people in the city help each other?
Are there any similarities between the story and our current situation? What are some of the differences?
Sometimes having a change from “normal” can lead to good things. Can you think of any good things that are happening because of the changes in our lives?
I find that conversation can sometimes flow better while working on something together. If you have access to a printer, you can print off this coloring page (CLICK HERE) and have your child fill in the blank and color. If not, write the words “God Calls Me” in the middle of a blank paper and encourage your child to complete the sentence and decorate!
While you’re busy coloring and creating together, ask your children to think about these questions:
What is God calling me to do, or not do, right now?
Who is God calling me to be?
What name is it that God calls me?
What is something I can do to help others right now?
How can we stay connected with the people we love even while we’re apart?
If you are part of Beacon Heights, we will have a zoom meeting time together this Friday at 10 a.m.! Look for a link and instructions in your email. If you are part of a different community, I encourage you to coordinate with friends and family to see each other through Face Time, Skype, Zoom, or whatever works best for you!
Seeing each other face to face (even virtually!) will give us a time to reconnect, share our pictures, and brainstorm ideas for the weeks ahead.