Safe Church Training

Beacon Heights has a Safe Church policy for the wellbeing of all, especially children and youth, in our community. Our policy requires that all who volunteer with youth and children go through training every 5 years. It's time for all of us to be trained again (or for the first time!). Sara (Fry) Hoover returns to lead our training on Sunday, March 19 at 9:15am (like Meet and Eat, but starting early - and still with food!).

You might not be teaching kids Sunday school these days, but nearly all of us are interacting with and supporting youth and kids - we will all benefit from reflecting on Safe Church! And we'll gather again after worship for follow-up discussion, as well as a presentation and discussion on our Emergency Preparedness Plan which Marsha Banicki-Graham developed with public safety officers. Education Commission will provide sandwiches and snacks.

(You can work ahead on Safe Church by filling out the application here! Even if you've done it before - we all need to do it every five years!)