The Beacon


September, 6 2024 Volume 66, No 37


Next Sunday September 8, 2024

 Join us for an interactive worship service with stations that invite us to:

  • explore our creativity in various ways

  • move our bodies

  • eat together

  • offer self-care to ourselves

  • receive blessings to celebrate our fabulocity as God’s children

  • consider the ways we might share our gifts with this beloved community

  • light candles as we pray

  • and more! 

Carla Kilgore and Pastor Paula invite you to gather with us to celebrate that we are One Body in Christ. We will have the opportunity to move around, connecting to each other and ourselves in ways that we don’t usually get to do – in a way that will be spiritually meaningful and fun! This Sunday kicks off our Stewardship emphasis (taking us through September into October) and focuses on the broader meaning of stewardship and the many ways we can live into it – together! 

Pastor Paula Ulrich

Sunday, September 8
Office Open 10am -12pm
Meet & Eat 9:15 a.m. Breakfast; 9:30 a.m. Presentation 10:30 a.m. Worship
Monday, September 9
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office Open
Pastor Anna Lisa on Site
6:30 p.m. Witness Commission
Tuesday, September 10
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office Open
7:00 p.m. Education Commission
Wednesday , September 11
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office Open
Pastor Anna Lisa on Site
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
8:00 p.m. Stewards Commission
Thursday, September 12
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Friday , September 13
Office Open 10am -12pm
Pastor Paula’s day off

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 8/25/2024:

In-person attendance 71
Offering 8/25 $1299.00


Food Bank on 9/4/2024:

Individuals served: 77

Families served: 26

Meet And Eat

Sept 8 - What could our mission statement look like in action? Come, join the conversation this Sunday to explore how the mission statement sets the direction of our actions and faith. All are welcome to participate. 

Brenda and Renee will begin serving a luscious breakfast at 9:15 and the table discussions will begin promptly at 9:30.

Ideas and preferences shared during these two meetings help strengthen the mission statement language that will go before the congregation at the Fall Council Meeting, September 29. Your thoughts matter and are helpful as we work on this together.

We have an opportunity to help!

Meshack, Aimerance, Romain, and Etonyemya are doing very well after arriving in Fort Wayne last September. Now we have an opportunity to help another refugee family build a new life. Kyla and Brian Zehr, Carla Kilgore, Robyn Valdizon, and community member Ben Armstrong are applying to sponsor another family through Welcome Corps. We do not know the timing of a family arriving, but we welcome your support. You can ask one of us for more information.
Thanks for being people with generous hearts! 
Needs are financial donations, furniture and household items 

Please Sign Up!

Shoppers are needed for the new sign up sheet.

October 2, 9, 23, January 8, 22, 29, February 5, 12 & 19

The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

Make it stand out

August 2024 Food Bank Statistics

Open 4 Wednesdays
Families served: 117
Individuals served: 341

Food donations
Beacon Heights: 635 lbs.
Associated Churches: 720 lbs.
Other Churches: 777 lbs.

In addition, Beacon Heights shoppers spent $2059.45 for 1802 lbs.

28 Beacon Heights Food Bank volunteers spent 177 hrs. to keep the Food Bank operating in August
Thank you to all the July 2024 volunteers

Kris Bohnstedt-Thorn Brenda Galbraith

Barb Bohnstedt-Thorn Kathy Schmidt

Sharon Heitz Jan Lung

Maurie Sperry Dianne Lung

Mary Whitehead Jeanie Lantz

Ev Kilgore Lois Guess

Rachel Harroff Tom Coursen

Joshua Harroff MaryJane Coursen

Kyla Harroff Doug Wages

Kyla Zehr Sue Warren

Brian Zehr Joan Thompson

Sandy Kiracofe Ruth Ann Bever

Amy Hollenberg Tom Bever

Bill Hollenberg Mark Beck

Beacon Heights Ladies Luncheon


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

You are invited to attend this monthly event occurring at 12:30PM on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at the home of Gary Evans and Sally Jones-Evans.  Casa salad, bread, breadsticks, lasagna and spaghetti with meatballs will be served as the main course. Dessert will be from Gracey’s Goodies of Leo, Indiana in honor of September birthdays. Please bring your own drink. A 5 dollar donation per person for the Casa lunch will be greatly appreciated. 

After the meal, Gary invites you to tour the model railroad - - you may have heard about it. 

My phone number is 260 414 4080 (Sally).  There is construction in the area with marked detours. When you confirm your attendance, I will send you a map including our address. 

          ALL ABOARD!!!

It's official!

The congregation has picked beautiful words that will be placed above the south entrance to bless all those that read them. They reflect the spirit of Beacon Heights and our commitment to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. The blessing is: 

Go in joy ... Live in peace!

Weekly Food Bank Update

Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix, broth and Dried Rice. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Shoppers are needed for the new sign up sheet. The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

The Fellowship Hall and Kitchen floors will be stripped and waxed

Monday September 23rd

Brentwood Elementary

“We got to treat our staff/teachers today because of the generous donation from [anonymous Beacon Heights donor]  Everyone was so excited!! (And the kids were so happy for their teachers that they clapped and cheered!)”

Blood Drive

A blood drive will be held Wednesday, September 11, 2-6:30pm at Middlebury Church of the Brethren, 507 Bristol Ave, Middlebury.  We have 10 donations scheduled so far, and there is still room for you!  Scheduling ahead of time online at is preferred, but walk-in donors are accepted, too.  Call the church office, 574-825-2955 with questions.

Birthday Wishes

Joel Kline September 4
Austin Saffer September4
Jeanie Lantz September 9
Linda Wolf September 10 Sally Jones-Evans September 11
Aria Baker September 13
Kristine Miller September 14
Sue Warren September 16
Beth Goldsmith September 17
Andrew Zehr September 16
Alexis Shoda September 23
Tate Shoda September 23
Garrett Spoelhof September 24
Aiden Baker September 24
Sabrina Jackson September 26
Mary Hart September 28
Sean Harroff September 28
Brian Zehr September 30
Anne Ott September 30

Next Sunday September 15, 2024

 Theme : Remember

This Stewardship season, we remember our spoken and unspoken money stories. How do our stories impact our practices of stewardship? We remember that Judas betrayed Jesus in exchange for money but was still invited to the table. We remember that the Israelites complained in the wilderness but were met with manna. Even in stories of desperation and deep betrayal, we are gifted with God’s provision—of the feast of enough, and the holy meal of remembrance.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross

Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Norma Rody
Phone: (260) 482-8595

We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)