The Beacon
September, 20 2024 Volume 66, No 39
Next Sunday September 22, 2024
Theme : Stewardship: Release
When Jesus tells the young person to give away everything they own, does that mean that he really expects his followers to do that – literally? How might it be that he’s actually asking us to examine our attachments and burdens, the things that weigh us down, that preoccupy us, that consume us? The theme for this Stewardship Sunday is release. We will examine the ways that we become, sometimes without realizing it, chained to things that skew our balance, good health, well-being, joy, and the way that we use our resources. What do we need to release? What heavy burdens do we need to let go? How does this impact our money story? How does it impact our everyday living?
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Sunday, September 22
Meet & Eat 9:15 a.m. Breakfast; 9:30 a.m. Presentation 10:30 a.m. Worship
Office Open
Wednesday , September 25
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office Open
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
Thursday, September 26
Pastor Anna Lisa on Site
5:30 PM Sister Song Circle
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Friday , September 27
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office
Pastor Paula’s Day Off
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 9/15/2024:
In-person attendance 56
Offering 9/8 $9653.00
Food Bank on 9/11/2024:
Individuals served: 76
Families served: 29
Meet & Eat
Moose, mountains, melting glaciers. Indigenous history and vision. Robust hospitality. And coats in the summertime?
Must be Alaska! Hear from the Longs about their trip with New Community Project to Alaska, during Meet & Eat on Sunday. Breakfast served at 9:30, program begins at 9:40. Join by zoom if you can't be there in person.
Food Bank Report and Special Request
Our Beacon Heights Food Bank, a shared ministry with Associated Churches and Beacon Heights and staffed by our members, has been serving an ever-increasing number of individuals and families. Money is so tight for so many people right now. Given the need, it's likely that our food bank will need more funding than what our 2024 budget allows. If you would like to give a boost of extra support to this ministry, your financial donations are welcome. You may write a check to the church with "Food Bank" in the memo line. Also, the food bank always welcomes food donations -- anytime. These may be placed on the labelled table near the food bank, or labelled and left in the church office. Also, be on the look-out for a special Food Bank Drive every Sunday during the month of November as we celebrate generosity and gratefulness.
In the Office
At one time, Beacon Heights had a full-time Office Manager to take care of the countless office tasks of the congregation. Those days are long gone, but sometimes we still expect the Office Manager to do things that we might do ourselves. With tighter hours and still so many things to do, we invite you to think carefully about whether your request is something that you can easily handle, or whether it's something that only our Office Manager or one of the Pastors can do. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in making sure our Staff can work efficiently and productively for the ministry of our community.
Connie McGowin
Sunday Morning Techies Wanted!
We could use a few more people to operate sound and/or work on streaming our service and operating the slide show on Sunday mornings. We already have a corp group of people who do this important work, which adds so much to our worship services. But we could use a few more to serve in the monthly rotation. Will you consider it? Whether this is something you can do with your eyes closed, or something that you've always wanted to learn, please speak with Pastor Paula or Pastor Anna Lisa -- and we'll get you connected with those who can show you what it's all about at Beacon.
The Pastors and Board sent a letter of support to 12 Haitian Churches of the Brethren/ministries in the United States,
as well as West Charleston CoB (near Springfield, OH with many new-er American members) and a Haitian-American Community Center in Springfield, OH.
You can read an example letter at the Political Action Table in the Fellowship Hall.
While you're there, please sign letters to our elected officials (if you feel moved) calling them to denounce xenophobic lies and threats, and inviting them to treat others as they would like to be treated.
Pledge Sunday & All-Church Picnic - October 6
Join us for a Sunday of Celebration -- in which we will complete our Stewardship series with Pledge Sunday and an intergenerational worship service followed by an all-church picnic at Lions Park. Drinks, tableware, and fried chicken will be provided at the picnic -- and there will be seating inside and outside the cabin. To give us a rough idea of how many to expect, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall the next two Sundays, or let Ruth Ann Bever know that you're coming.
The Fellowship Hall and Kitchen floors will be stripped and waxed
Monday September 23rd
Weekly Food Bank Update
Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix, broth and Dried Rice. Monetary donations are also appreciated.
Shoppers are needed for the new sign up sheet. The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.
Covid has been running wild, lately, and many of us in our congregation have succumbed to it. For some, it's been a brief irritation, and for others, we've truly been through the wringer! With fall coming, that also means that flu and RSV season is quickly on its way! With concern for one another, knowing that there are pre-existing conditions and vulnerabilities among us, please use extra caution if you suspect that you have a communicable illness. Hand disinfectant stations have been placed in the north entrance and fellowship hall, and a large bottle of hand sanitizer will be on the counter outside of the church office. Please wear masks as a precaution when needed. And if you suspect that you are ill, please, please, please stay home. If you have a responsibility -- but that tickle in your throat won't go away or you're coughing or running a fever -- please call someone, and we'll work it out on your behalf. We'll miss you, but we also will appreciate the caution.
Brentwood Elementary
We are excited to be rekindling our relationship with Brentwood Elementary School, and are happy that your responses have been so positive! Want to be more involved? Here is the calendar of events and opportunities available for your participation:
November 7 (Parent/Teacher confs): provide one component of a chili lunch for teachers (sign up sheet coming in October)
March 4 (Fat Tuesday): provide one component of a Sweet Treats afternoon snack for teachers (sign up sheet coming in February)
May 5-9 TBD: Provide one component of a breakfast for teachers (sign up sheet coming in April)
Many of us were (or still are) teachers, and understand important support like this can be. Thanks in advance for your willingness to help in these small ways that will have a big impact!
Ted & Co Theater Works
Gather with Beacon Heights friends on Saturday, September 28th at 7:30 pm for the On Earth Peace 50th Anniversary performance by Ted & Co Theater Works entitled, "Just Give 'Em the News." For 50 years "On Earth Peace" has been advancing the joyful vision that accompanied the birth of Jesus by developing and walking with leaders working for justice and peace. Ted and Co use humor and professional storytelling to talk about issues of faith and social justice, provoking both laughter and reflection, as all good comedy does. This show, "Just Give 'Em the News" is an original, delightfully askew, musical take on the first Christmas, when the good news of "on earth peace" was proclaimed. We'll watch together with food provided! Sign up on the office counter or by emailing/calling the office by Friday, September 26 at 2pm so we have enough food. (And if you are familiar with Ted & Co -- you know this will be a really fun, meaningful event! Please join us!)
Spirit Journey Women
Will resume meeting on Wednesday October 2 at 12:30 to 2:15 p.m. in the fellowship hall. 12:30 to 1:00 Enjoy your brown bag lunch and visit1:00 to 2:00 Discuss part of a book the group is reading 2:00 to 2:15 Sharing of prayer concerns and closing prayer Additional meetings in 2024 will be: October 23, November 6, November 20, December 4, and December 18 (potluck)
The first book to discuss is
BEING MORTAL by Dr. Atul Gawande.
Suggestions for additional future books are welcome.
For more information contact Lois Guess, or 414-7228.
Contact Donna Lesh if you would like for her to order you a reasonable used book.
Suggested reading before the October 2 meeting: Introduction, pages 1 to 10.
Birthday Wishes
Alexis Shoda September 23
Tate Shoda September 23
Garrett Spoelhof September 24
Aiden Baker September 24
Sabrina Jackson September 26
Mary Hart September 28
Sean Harroff September 28
Brian Zehr September 30
Anne Ott September 30
Next Sunday September 29, 2024
Theme : Reimagine
Scripture calls us to reimagine a world where our social and economic systems are not built to disparage or impoverish, but instead to provide for and benefit all. This week we revisit the story of the widow’s mite, a scripture that begs for reimagination and reinterpretation from the harmful ways it has been used. Instead of commending the widow’s giving practices, perhaps Jesus is condemning the economic system that created her poverty.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Norma Rody
Phone: (260) 482-8595
We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)