The Beacon


July 19, 2024 Volume 66, No 29


This SUNDAY: July, 21 2024

Theme: Can we be the hands and feet of Jesus without nail marks?

Martyrs and heroes of our faith inspire and teach us. But can we simply continue the work of Jesus without suffering as martyrs? Do we need drama and suffering to be spiritual and faithful? We are called to sacrifice, but are we called to be wounded? We’ll share stories of new and familiar Brethren martyrs and bless the ongoing ministries of Beacon Heights.

To prepare, please read: Daniel 3.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross.

Sunday, July 21
10:30 a.m. Worship
Pastor Paula Away until July 23rd

Monday, July 22
Office Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Tuesday, July 23
Office Closed

Wednesday, July 24
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
Office Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Thursday, July 25
5:30 pm Sister Song Circle
Office Closed

Friday, July 26
Office Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Saturday, July 27
Fort Wayne Pride Fest

Sunday, July 28
10:30 a.m. Worship
1:30 pm-3:30 pm Splash Pad Party

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 7/14/2024:

In-person attendance 55
Offering 7/7 $4016.00


Food Bank on 7/17/2024:

Individuals served: N/A

Families served: 31

Please see below for the Pastor’s schedules and who to contact while they are away!


Pastor’s Upcoming Schedules 

July 10-23: Pastor Paula away on vacation. 

While the Pastors are away: If you have a pastoral care need, please connect with the Care Team and Prayer Chain by calling/texting/e-mailing Mary Wysong. 

Please Note:

Lois Guess’ updated email address is:

Evaluation Form

The Staff Relations Committee is preparing the One-Year evaluation for Pastor Paula. We would appreciate anyone’s participation in this endeavor. We will compile the results all together to provide feedback with Pastor Paula. To participate in this important process, you can go to:

or hard copies will be available on the counter in front of the office. These can be turned into Connie McGowin. You may hand it to her or put it in her mailbox in the church office. Please have your forms sent or turned in no later than July 17. Thank you for considering participating in Pastor Paula’s first evaluation at
Beacon Heights.

Mark Your Calendars for
a Very Special Worship Service on Sunday August 4th Which Will Include:

Intergenerational and Interactive Worship! 

Blessing of the Backpacks!

Bible Presentations!

Recognition of Teachers and Students
(of every age)!

Moment for Mission: Brentwood Elementary School Update!


Sermon: "God Speaks to Children, Too"

Meet & Eat

No Meet & Eat for the month of July, please see flyer below!

Volunteers Needed!

Nurture is looking for two volunteers for our potlucks on the last Sundays of the month for Meet and Eat. One person would be in charge of making sure the coffee is started and the other person would be in charge of making sure things get cleaned up. There could be different people at each potluck or you could do more than one. There is a sign up sheet in the office or you can email or text ( or 260-341-2965) if you would be willing to help with this for a month. We will be taking a break in July from Meet and Eat so we won’t need volunteers then but that leaves April, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December. Please consider helping!

Shoda Family Update

Greg has recently accepted a new position at a company located in New Jersey! He will be moving and starting work on August 1st (as well as searching for a place for us to live). The kids and I will be around for one more semester of school and we will join him in December on Christmas break!

We are so very grateful for being a part of the Beacon Heights community for over fourteen years. We cherish every one of our friends here and hope to come back and visit occasionally! Please feel free to keep track of us on social media (Instagram or FaceBook), we will do our best to keep everyone updated with life events!

In the meantime, I will be training Norma Rody to take over my position in the office. Please stop in and introduce yourselves so she can get to know you!


Weekly Food Bank Update

Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix and broth. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Shoppers are needed for July 24th, 31st and August 2024, if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

Fundraiser Event

This powerful show tells the story of Mrs. Tricia Lee, a Christian grandmother in East Texas, as she navigates the challenges and triumphs of supporting her genderqueer granddaughter. Through humor and heart, Tricia’s journey addresses themes of family, faith, and acceptance in the face of hate speech and societal norms. 

On July 19 and 20 at First Presbyterian Theatre, Fort Wayne’s own Maggie Kole Hunter will be performing, with direction by John Tolley. Thanks to a generous sponsorship, ALL ticket proceeds will directly benefit the Positive Resource Connection and our mission to prevent new cases of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and STIs in northeast Indiana.

Fort Wayne Pride

Beacon Heights will be sharing a PRIDE table with Peace UCC church on Saturday, July 27. We need volunteers to help set up, to be present at the table, and to help load up at the end. We also need donations of water bottles that will have Beacon Heights stickers on them as well as some other handouts and the church cards. If you prefer to sign up online, here is the link:

There is also a sign up sheet in the fellowship hall or you can let Ruth Ann Bever ( or 260-341-2965 know your preference.

Splash Pad Party

Join us on Sunday, July 28th from 1pm-3pm at Kreger Park (7225 North River Rd.) for a splash pad party! Preschool and Beacon Heights families welcome. Snacks will be provided.

August B.I.C.Y.C.L.E ride.

Mark your calendars now for a bicycle ride to the Tom and Ruth Ann Bever’s house for ice cream on Saturday, August 10.

We will meet at Lawton Park at 1:00 and ride to the Bevers at 3411 Woodgate Trail. It’s about a 7 mile ride.

If you prefer to meet at their house, you are welcome! Please let Tom or Ruth Ann know so they know how many to expect:
or 260-341-2965. See you then!

Next SUNDAY: July 28, 2024

Theme:  Ride the Waves

Laura VanVoorhis joins us as guest speaker.

To prepare, please read:  Isaiah 43:1-2


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595

We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)