The Beacon


June 7, 2024 Volume 66, No 23


This SUNDAY: June 9, 2024

Theme:  What to do with light and dark?

 Scriptures, hymns, poetry, and our own speech are full of light and dark metaphor and imagery. This summer solstice, as we celebrate long days and (hopefully) joyous weather, let’s wonder together about the blessings and burdens of using light=good and dark=bad. We know it’s more complicated than that - and we know this language supports racism and colorism in our subconscious. What nuance can we find in scripture and in our lives?

To prepare, please read:  Isaiah 25: 4; Revelations 21:3-5, 22-24.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross

Sunday, June 9
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
12:30 p.m. Picnic at Lion’s Park

Monday, June 10
6:30 p.m. Witness Commission

Tuesday, June 11
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site
7:00 p.m. Nurture Commission

Wednesday, June 12
9:30-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
12:30 p.m. Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon
8:00 p.m. Stewards Commission

Thursday, June 13
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview Meeting

Friday, June 14
Pastor Paula’s Day Off

Saturday, June 15

Sunday, June 16
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 6/2/2024:

In-person attendance 55
Offering 5/26 $1041.00


Food Bank on 6/5/2024:

Individuals served: 66

Families served: 21

Please Note: Because of the carpet installation the office will be closed to visitors and staff for a few days. If you need anything please send an email to Alexis at or call 260-609-6277.


Meet & Eat

sanctuary space conversations

In 2025, our ReFresh Team will be focusing on changes to the sanctuary, which will at least include new flooring. But what else might renovations include? And will that impact what kind of flooring we want? Are there ways that our sanctuary might more closely reflect our values of community and inclusion? Are there ways that it could be more inviting to families and young children -- or more accessible to those with specific needs? Join Pastor Paula for the next two Sundays (June 2 and 9) to think about our space together. Session 1 will include a very brief history about Church of the Brethren meeting spaces and their evolution. But mostly, we will have small group conversations to explore what we love about our space, and what might be changed to better suit our needs today as a 21st century congregation. We will begin in the parlor at 9:30 sharp both Sundays, and then move to the sanctuary for further reflection and conversation. The two sessions, although related, are not the same. And please note, given our theology of community discernment: any significant or structural change to our sanctuary must be approved by our congregation in a council meeting. That's one reason for us to have these conversations -- peacefully, simply, and together! Please come!

Carpet installation next week!

Beginning on Monday, June 10, and continuing at least through Wednesday, new carpeting will be installed in the entryway, offices, and hallway behind the sanctuary. Both pastors and Alexis will be working from home so please use their personal phones or emails to contact them as needed.  

For safety reasons, the north entry will not be available on Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday, the south entry will be available for access to the basement only. The church office is closed all week. 

To prepare the space, we are needing some help. If you are not attending the picnic after worship on Sunday and can help move items out of the area to be recarpeted, immediately after worship please look for Linda Wolf who will provide directions on where to place them. 

Thank you to each and everyone for your support of this big project! Contributions of suggestions, questions, finances, physical assistance, encouragement, and patience have made this part of ReFRESH possible! 

Need additional information? Please contact Carol Lindquisr or Dave Wysong via email or phone.

Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon 

Please respond by Monday, June 10, if you have not already done so, and you plan to attend the Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon on June 12 at 12:30 at Anna Lisa’s home. Mary Whitehead, 260-409-2328 or is taking reservations. You may drive yourself or carpool. Carpool groups will leave the church promptly at 11:30. For those of you who live on the west side of Fort Wayne, a group is also leaving from Ruth Ann Bever’s house at 11:40. Anna Lisa’s address is 4898 E 1400 N, North Manchester. Google maps bring up her address as 4898 Martin Road, but the road is clearly labeled 4898 E 1400 N and there is no evidence of Martin Road.

Pastor Anna Lisa is graciously serving drinks, salads, and sandwiches. In addition to her yummy lunch items, you are invited to bring something to share for lunch if you wish.

Weekly Food Bank Update

Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix and dried rice. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Shoppers are needed for July and August 2024, if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

May 2024 Food Bank Statistics

Open 5 Wednesdays

Families served: 111

Individuals served: 301

Food donations

Beacon Heights: 422 lbs.

Associated Churches: 960 lbs.

Other Churches: 940 lbs.

In addition, Beacon Heights shoppers spent $1551.41 for 1313 lbs.

28 Beacon Heights Food Bank volunteers spent 177 hrs. to keep the Food Bank operating in May

Thank you to all the April 2024 volunteers

Brandon Fox, Brenda Galbraith, Braydon Fox, Kathy Schmidt, Sharon Heitz, Jan Lung, Maurie Sperry, Dianne Lung, Mary Whitehead, Jeanie Lantz, Ev Kilgore, Lois Guess, Susan Harroff, Tom Coursen, Rachel Harroff, MaryJane Coursen, Kyla Harroff, Tom Bever, Sean Harroff, Ruth Ann Bever, Kyla Zehr, Dena Corey, Sandy Kiracofe, Paula Urich, Kris Bohnstedt-Thorn, Barb Bohnstedt-Thorn, Bill Hollenberg, Amy Hollenberg

Solar Congress

Did you know that we're hosting a Solar Congress? Saturday, June 8 from 12-3:30pm. Come for all or for part. Come to learn more about Community Solar. Come to support Brian Flory's work. Come to meet people who might want to come back to Beacon St. other times, too!

What is Wear Orange?

National Gun Violence Awareness Day is an annual event that takes place on the first Friday in June and marks the beginning of Wear Orange Weekend. Wear Orange is dedicated to honoring the lives of people in the United States affected by gun violence and elevating the voices of those demanding an end to gun violence.

We invite you to promote and participate in this simple call for peace in our broken world--together--as disciples of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

Wear Orange is a fantastic opportunity for Church of the Brethren congregations to visibly demonstrate our historic commitment to peace and nonviolence by connecting with the larger nationwide gun violence prevention movement in the United States. Anyone concerned about the lives impacted by gun violence can Wear Orange to raise awareness, honor victims, and grieve senseless violence.

How We're Asking COB Congregations to Participate

It's easy! Just wear anything from your closet that's orange on June 7-9. We invite you to wear orange especially on Sunday, June 9 as you gather for worship. 

If you're interested in purchasing Wear Orange merchandise, you will find several items here: On Earth Peace Merch | Printify Pop-Up

Supporting OEP

On Earth Peace is hosting 3000 Miles for Peace as a virtual fundraising event to support the work of the organization. Beacon Heights has long supported OEP as the peacebuilding agency of the denomination and source of training on Kingian Nonviolence. Throughout the month of June, participants from across the globe are recording their “miles” of exercise to bring awareness to the work of OEP and its impact throughout the world. You can participate (information on Facebook or on the OEP website) or you can support Carol Lindquist or Ruth Ann Bever as participants and Carol as an OEP board member by making a donation directly to OEP. See Carol for more information.

A Message From Ruth Ann Bever:

I am going to do my usual exercise each day - trying to walk at least 2 miles and riding my bike 5-10 miles. I would love to have you donate to this cause! It begins on June 1, so you don't have much time to make a pledge! I don't have a personal goal because I can't guarantee a certain result each day. I will do as much as possible until June 27 when I get my left knee replaced! Thank you so much for considering this!

Vigil for Gaza

We gather to honor innocent lives lost since October 7th, 5-6pm on June 11th in the Geo Garden (NE of Kettler Hall) at Purdue Fort Wayne, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd.

All are welcome.

It’s time to reserve your Tin Caps Tickets! Come see the Tincaps play the Dayton Dragons on Saturday, June 29, 6:35 p.m. at Parkview Field! Enjoy the game and fireworks with your Beacon Heights friends.

Tickets are just $14 for adults and, thanks to the Education Commission, $7 for children. Please text (260-341-2965) or email Ruth Ann Bever ( how many tickets you need . We need to finalize the number by June 12, so get your orders in as soon as possible!

Amani Family Services - World Refugee Day

When: 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 20

Where: Small Pavilion, Foster Park, 3900 Old Mill Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Cost: Free

For more information on the potluck and event activities, call Natalie Borjas, 260-484-1414 or email

Amani Family Services is a local nonprofit organization serving more than 2,000 individuals from around the world who have made Allen County their home. Formerly Crime Victim Care of Allen County, an organization founded in 2006, Amani is entirely devoted to serving refugee and immigrant families and individuals.

Link for more information: 

Auditions for The Charitable Sisterhood of the Second Trinity Victory Church

a comedy by Bo Wilson

The roads are flooded, the bridges are washed out, and less generous souls are staying safely indoors, but it takes more than a little rain to keep the ladies of the Charitable Sisterhood from fulfilling their sworn mission. Bea Littleton is the pastor’s wife; Lorraine Jensen is the tireless mother of nine; Tina Yates is the transplanted Yankee; and Janet Murchison is the newest arrival. When these ladies meet to organize a relief effort for homeless Guatemalans, they are greeted with a small mountain of community donations—but one woman’s junk is another woman’s treasure, and that pile of stuff in this little church basement is hiding a thing or two. Come sit in on this month’s meeting in the basement of Second Trinity Victory Church; our five angels of mercy will leave you breathless with laughter as they do their best to help the victims of global disaster, spiritual deprivation and, most of all, one another. A hilarious and heartwarming play!

Cast Requirements
5 women ages 20-60
2 men for voice over roles
Southern accent required one woman will also need a NJ accent.

Auditions are June 29 at 2pm at Lincolnshire Church of the Brethren.
Visit to sign up for auditions.

If you have any questions, contact Jane Matarese at or text


Next B.I.C.Y.C.L.E. Rides

Saturday, July 6, 11 AM - ride the Pumpkinvine Trail starting in Shipshewana

Saturday, August 10, 1:30 PM - meet at Swinney Park and ride to the Bever's for ice cream

Put these dates on your calendar. More info to come!

This summer is a great time for us in Northern Indiana to appreciate one of the Church of the Brethren's gifts: Song and Story Fest. This is a week of music, storytelling, hikes, swimming, new friends, old friends (or whatever you like to do at a camp) with really good homemade food. Come for all or part: July 7-13, 2024 Camp Brethren Heights, Rodney, Michigan.

Pastor Anna Lisa is one of the storytellers, along with hot shots like Susan Boyer and Jonathan Hunter - who will knock your socks off! Plus fantastic musicians like Chris Good (married to Heidi Beck, who grew up at Beacon Heights) and Greg & Rhonda Baker (Rhonda grew up at Beacon Heights).


Next SUNDAY: June 16, 2024

Theme:  Standing by the Side of the Bed

Come along for the ride! We’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ Prayer (aka The Lord’s Prayer). This is week one of three in a series. But don’t worry if you need to miss a week! While they will connect, the focus for each week stands alone, too. For Week One, we will explore the phrase, “Abba God, hallowed be your Name!” Like – what does that even mean? And how does it relate to our daily living? Pastor Paula plans to lead the children in something interactive for the Children’s Time during worship; and we’ll also encounter the scripture in different ways through word and music. 

To prepare, please read:  Luke 11:1-4.

Pastor Paula Ulrich


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595

We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)