The Beacon


June 21, 2024 Volume 66, No 25


This SUNDAY: June 23, 2024

Theme:  The Gift That Grows

As we continue to explore the depth and richness of the prayer that Jesus teaches his disciples, we’ll hone in on the statement – the cry – the longing – that God’s reign or kin-dom will come. It seems like the things happening in the world, in our country, to us and to the earth continue moving in the opposite direction from what we imagine God’s peace, justice, and love to be. So, why do we keep praying? How powerful is prayer? Do our prayers move God to take action? And what is our responsibility to live into God’s kin-dom where the only currency is love?

To prepare, please read:  Luke 11:1-4.

Pastor Paula Ulrich

Sunday, June 23
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, June 24

Tuesday, June 25
Pastor Anna Lisa On-site
Office Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Wednesday, June 26
9:30-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
Office Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Thursday, June 27
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview Meeting
5:30 p.m. Sister Song Circle
Office Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Friday, June 28
Pastor Paula’s Day Off

Saturday, June 29
6:00 p.m. TinCaps Game

Sunday, June 30
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 6/16/2024:

In-person attendance 54
Offering 6/9 $3233.00


Food Bank on 6/19/2024:

Individuals served: N/A

Families served: N/A


Memorial Service

There will be a memorial service for Shirley Anderson, Amy Hollenberg's mother, on Saturday, June 22 at 11:00 AM at Agape Church of the Brethren. You are invited to attend.

Meet & Eat

We have a couple special guests for June 23's Meet & Eat: Jess Hoffert from Minneapolis will join us on zoom, and his penpal Franklin, who lives on death row, will join us in spirit and through his letters. Jess and Franklin met through the Death Row Support Project, which Pastor Anna Lisa's mom Rachel started 45 years ago. Learn more about DRSP and hear an interview with Jess on Messenger Radio. We'll also learn more from Ev & Bill Kilgore about their years of writing to people through the Death Row Support Project.

Weekly Food Bank Update

Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix and dried rice. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Shoppers are needed for July and August 2024, if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

Supporting OEP

On Earth Peace is hosting 3000 Miles for Peace as a virtual fundraising event to support the work of the organization. Beacon Heights has long supported OEP as the peacebuilding agency of the denomination and source of training on Kingian Nonviolence. Throughout the month of June, participants from across the globe are recording their “miles” of exercise to bring awareness to the work of OEP and its impact throughout the world. You can participate (information on Facebook or on the OEP website) or you can support Carol Lindquist or Ruth Ann Bever as participants and Carol as an OEP board member by making a donation directly to OEP. See Carol for more information.

A Message From Ruth Ann Bever:

I am going to do my usual exercise each day - trying to walk at least 2 miles and riding my bike 5-10 miles. I would love to have you donate to this cause! It begins on June 1, so you don't have much time to make a pledge! I don't have a personal goal because I can't guarantee a certain result each day. I will do as much as possible until June 27 when I get my left knee replaced! Thank you so much for considering this!

Next B.I.C.Y.C.L.E. Rides

Saturday, July 6, 11 AM - ride the Pumpkinvine Trail starting in Shipshewana

Saturday, August 10, 1:30 PM - meet at Swinney Park and ride to the Bever's for ice cream

Put these dates on your calendar. More info to come!

This summer is a great time for us in Northern Indiana to appreciate one of the Church of the Brethren's gifts: Song and Story Fest. This is a week of music, storytelling, hikes, swimming, new friends, old friends (or whatever you like to do at a camp) with really good homemade food. Come for all or part: July 7-13, 2024 Camp Brethren Heights, Rodney, Michigan.

Pastor Anna Lisa is one of the storytellers, along with hot shots like Susan Boyer and Jonathan Hunter - who will knock your socks off! Plus fantastic musicians like Chris Good (married to Heidi Beck, who grew up at Beacon Heights) and Greg & Rhonda Baker (Rhonda grew up at Beacon Heights).


Next SUNDAY: June 30, 2024

Theme:  The Small but Urgent Matters

We will sit with Jesus’ prayer one more time to examine our own vulnerability, dependance, and even guilt as creatures in need. We will keep in mind that the prayer, at its core, is communal – but that any of us may bring even the smallest matters of our lives to the God who is close to us like a good and caring parent.

To prepare, please read:  Luke 11:1-4.

Pastor Paula Ulrich


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595

We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)