The Beacon


May 3, 2024 Volume 66, No 18


This SUNDAY: The Ever-Growing Net of Love

Sometimes the Holy Spirit surprises us, upending our long held convictions about what and who is acceptable to God. Peter’s experience illustrates how often we still hold on to rigid boundaries, narrow understandings, and a limited language of love and praise. But will we hear something new if we listen more closely to other languages – to the rivers clapping, the seas thundering, and the hills ringing? In what ways might God be saying something new to our congregation through this story in Acts? Do we think we’ve already arrived, or will we be surprised? Will we resist it, or will we welcome it? How will we discern the way forward together?  Simon Peter thought he’d come a long way, and he had. And yet, he and other Christians are surprised by the ever growing net of love that Christ Jesus keeps tossing.

Special music will be shared by Kelsi Lee and Cote Godoy during the service this Sunday.

To prepare, please read: Acts 10:27-36, 44-48.

Pastor Paula Ulrich

Sunday, May 5
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, May 6
Office Open 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 7
12:30 p.m. Spirit Journey Women
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site
Office Closed

Wednesday, May 8
9:30-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
12:30 p.m. Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon
8:00 p.m. Stewards Commission
Office Open 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 9
4:00 p.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Office Closed

Friday, May 10
Pastor Paula’s Day Off

9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open

Saturday, May 11
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Spring Work Day
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site

Sunday, May 12
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 4/28/2024:

In-person attendance 61
Offering 4/21 $4,298


Food Bank on 5/1/2024:

Individuals served: 54

Families served: 18

Please note that the pastors will be away May 13-17 for the
Festival of Homiletics


A time of remembrance for Ryan Saffer will be in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, May 4 at 1pm. Over a light lunch, all are invited to share stories, and support for the Saffers.

Meet & Eat

Our District Moderator, Paul Thomas, will be joining us on Sunday to share greetings during worship, and to speak during our Meet and Eat program at 9:30. Brother Paul will be talking about our roots, which bless us with a passion and legacy for service, peacemaking, and simple living. 


On May 12 we'll celebrate Maya Koczan Flory's baptism during worship. While the Koczan Flory has been away for a period after Brian concluded his pastoral ministry with Beacon Heights, they've found a rich faith community with Plymouth UCC. Maya's faith has been formed in the Beacon Heights community, and she wishes to join both BHCOB and Plymouth UCC as a member. We celebrate Maya's communities! Brian and Kimberly will join Maya in the baptismal by her request, and we will receive Maya as a dual member.

We look forward to seeing the Koczan Flory family for special events, like memorial services and Love Feast, understanding that they spend Sundays often with Plymouth UCC.

Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon
May 8, 12:30 pm

It is time to gather again and celebrate the birthdays of the month. All are welcome!

Where: Lakeside Park and Rose Garden

Bring: Your lunch and your chair.

Meet: Under the trees off Vermont Street north of the sunken garden area.

Weather: Hope for a beautiful day, but if a rainy, cold day, meet at church.

No RSVP needed! Come join the fellowship!

Spring Clean Out!

As the exciting ReFRESH efforts continue to unfold, we have items to remove to allow for better use of our space. 

The youth room (downstairs below the parlor) has many items for which we'd like to find a new home. We've attempted to communicate with those who have used the items and believe these things are no longer needed. If we've overlooked a use, please let us know. 

The pool table (with Ping Pong table cover), chairs, tables, couches and more are available!  (Our ping pong table will be relocated to the adjacent youth room).

You are invited to visit the room and take any items you can use by May 20th. 

No charge for the items, but feel welcome to make a donation to the ReFRESH fund.

Find your treasure and help us clean out! 

Contact Mary Wysong with any questions.

Green Team

Beacon Heights has green efforts throughout our shared space - collecting compost on the kitchen, solar panels, etc. We know we could always do more! In order to explore some grant opportunities and discern possible priorities, we invite you to consider joining a Green Team which would meet as-needed to research and study together. This is not a 3-year commitment of monthly meetings, but it's not simply a place to have a loud opinion - we want to think hard together!

Contact Pastor Anna Lisa and/or Witness Chair Steve Myers to volunteer
or to learn more.

What do “Worship Coordinators” Do?

You may have noticed that a “Worship Coordinator” is listed every week in our bulletin as someone participating in worship. Have you ever wondered what that person does? Often, the Worship Coordinator’s work is “behind the scenes.” Using the scripture and theme provided by the pastor or speaker, they then plan worship, sometimes completely on their own, and sometimes in tandem with the pastors. They find or create liturgy (the Call to Worship, for instance), select the hymns and music (often in conversation with Melody, our Music Director), and invite others to participate in the service as worship leaders, readers, and Children’s Time leaders.

The Worship Team meets periodically for conversation, scheduling, and planning, especially around special seasons and the way we want to use resources, such as A Sanctified Art. Some Worship Coordinators plan worship as often as once a month or so, and others only once a quarter. There’s a lot of latitude in the scheduling and timing.

Serving on the Worship Team is a big job and a very important one! But it’s also rewarding – both for the ones planning services and especially for the congregation. It’s one way that we include many voices in our worship together. We benefit from the creativity, insights, and experiences that each Worship Coordinator shares. Currently, our Worship Coordinators are Jan Long, Janice Shull, Leslie Sperry, Lisa Liechty-Steele, and Kyla Zehr. Make sure to share your appreciation with each of these women for the work they do week in and week out to make our worship rich, inspiring, and life-giving! And remember, that worship coordination doesn’t need to be limited to the women of our congregation! Others are invited to join us, too!

Does being a Worship Coordinator sound like something you would like to do or try, even on a trial basis? If so, please speak to one of the pastors to learn more. Our next Worship Team meeting is Sunday, June 2, following worship. We will gather for a simple potluck lunch, and then engage in conversation and planning. If you feel called to explore this ministry at Beacon Heights, we’d love to have you join us! 

Volunteers Needed!

Nurture is looking for two volunteers for our potlucks on the last Sundays of the month for Meet and Eat. One person would be in charge of making sure the coffee is started and the other person would be in charge of making sure things get cleaned up. There could be different people at each potluck or you could do more than one. There is a sign up sheet in the office or you can email or text ( or 260-341-2965) if you would be willing to help with this for a month. We will be taking a break in July from Meet and Eat so we won’t need volunteers then but that leaves April, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December. Please think about helping!

Weekly Food Bank Update

Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix and dried rice. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Shoppers are needed for June 2024, if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

April 2024 Food Bank Statistics

Open 4 Wednesdays

Families served: 79
Individuals served: 218

Food donations
Beacon Heights: 552 lbs.
Associated Churches: 1140 lbs.
Other Churches: 900 lbs.

In addition, Beacon Heights shoppers spent $805.85 for 697 lbs.

22 Beacon Heights Food Bank volunteers spent 172 hrs. to keep the Food Bank operating in April

Thank you to all the April 2024 volunteers

Mike Crill, Brenda Galbraith, Paula Crill, Kathy Schmidt, Sharon Heitz, Jan Lung, Maurie Sperry, Dianne Lung, Mary Whitehead, Joan Thompson, Ev Kilgore, Lois Guess, Susan Harroff, Tom Coursen, Rachel Harroff, MaryJane Coursen, Kyla Harroff, Tom Bever, Kyla Zehr, Ruth Ann Bever, Dave Wysong, Tom Coursen III

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!

Come join the fun of meeting at someone’s home for dinner on Saturday, May 18 at 6:00 p.m. Sign up to be the place people come to and furnish the main course and drink. OR just sign up to bring dessert, or a side dish, or a dessert. Meet new people, join old friends! It’s so much fun! Just sign up! The form will also be emailed to you.

Please sign up using the bulletin insert on April 21 or 28, email to or text her at 260-341-2965 by MAY 5. Please sign up as soon as you know your schedule as Ruth Ann is out of town May 1-9. You will receive your assignment on Sunday, May 12 in your box. If you don’t pick it up, you will get a phone call. Hope you can join the food and fellowship!


Here is a list of the Beacons Intergenerational Cycling (Yes Cycling) League of Enthusiasts rides for this spring and summer.

Saturday, June 1st, 11 AM - ride from Life Bridge Church along the Pufferbelly Trail followed by picnic at the trail head

Saturday, July 6, 11 AM - ride the Pumpkinvine Trail starting in Shipshewana

Saturday, August 10, 1:30 PM - meet at Swinney Park and ride to the Bever's for ice cream

Put these dates on your calendar. More info to come!

Summer Picnic Opportunities

Nurture has chosen some casual picnic dates after church through the summer months. If interested, simply bring a picnic lunch and join others after church to eat at nearby Lion's Park (3299 Carew Street address for parking). Lion's Park has a nice playground and picnic tables--only a 2 minute drive from church. 

Picnic Dates: June 9, July 14, August 4.

Next SUNDAY: may 12, 2024

Theme:  To be fearfully and wonderfully made

We are divinely designed to need and want intimacy, yet we are afraid of how vulnerable intimacy is! Can our intimacy with God be the safe foundation of intimacy that equips us to have intimacy with others? Can God’s delight in us empower us to delight in ourselves and others? When we are told to “love our neighbors as we love ourselves,” we must be able to love ourselves to fulfill this command. This Psalm is one of the most intimate passages of scripture - it can sound threatening, comforting…or both. Psalm 51 is the best-known psalm of forgiveness. The accurate translation could be: “According to the mercy of your womb, blot out my transgressions. The psalmist is appealing to God's mother-love, that eternal connection rooted in creation and compassion. The psalmist is confessing to God in the context of an eternal, steadfast, womb-like connection.” (Dana)

To prepare, please read: Psalm 139.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595

We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)