The Beacon
April 12, 2024 Volume 66, No 15
This SUNDAY: The unexpected V.I.P.
Join us with guest speaker, Todd Eastis, as we consider what it means to welcome others, and to open our hearts to surprises. Todd joins us from Camp Mack in Milford, IN, where he serves as the Director of Advancement/Assistant Executive Director. He grew up in Warsaw and attended North Winona Church of the Brethren. In 2014, he graduated from Manchester University before attending seminary for a short time. Seminary wasn't for him, so he earned his masters in Nonprofit Management from Regis University. He started working at Camp Mack in May 2018 and wears many hats in his job at Camp Mack from fundraising to marketing to tech support. Todd is a Certified Fundraising Executive and co-chair of the Camp Mack 100th anniversary celebration. Outside of his day job, he serves as Vice Chair of the Timbercrest Board and spends time with his wife Miriam and their 3 cats: Lilly, Inky, and Captain Jack Horacio III.
During Meet at Eat, which begins at 9:30, Todd will speak about Camp Mack and share videos about programming. So mark it on your calendars, especially if you're interested in attending camp or volunteering this summer, or if you want to know what's happening at Camp Mack these days!
Pastor Paula is excited to welcome Todd, who she has known since he was a little boy. His father was in seminary with Dan, and he sang at Pastor Paula and Dan's wedding in 1983.
To prepare, please read: Acts 8:26-40.
Todd Eastis
Sunday, April 14
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Council Meeting
Monday, April 15
7:00 p.m. Executive Committee
Pastor Anna Lisa On-site
Office Open 8:00-1:00
Tuesday, April 16
Office Closed
Wednesday, April 17
9:30-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
Office Open 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 18
4:00 p.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Office Closed
Friday, April 19
Pastor Paula’s Day Off
9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open
Saturday, April 20
Sunday, April 21
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 4/7/2024:
In-person attendance 75
Offering 3/31 $12,360
Food Bank on 4/10/2024:
Individuals served: 51
Families served: 17
A time of remembrance for Ryan Saffer will be in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, May 4 at 1pm. Over a light lunch, all are invited to share stories, and support for the Saffers.
Meet & Eat
During Meet at Eat, which begins at 9:30, Todd will speak about Camp Mack and share videos about programming. So mark it on your calendars, especially if you're interested in attending camp or volunteering this summer, or if you want to know what's happening at Camp Mack these days!
Meet & Eat for April 21st and 28th
Church of the Brethren congregations throughout the country are encouraged to delve into discussion and reflection on the topic standing with people of color. There are discussion prompts and resources for reflections developed by On Earth Peace and others, that Jan and John Long will facilitate for us during Meet & Eat on April 21 and 28. From sharing our own family and cultural histories to stories of our earliest awareness of race and ethnicity, this is a time to deepen our self-awareness, know our siblings in faith better, and be challenged to engage in the sacred vision of racial justice---together, and with breakfast provided! Please come to both sessions, though it's perfectly fine if you can only make it to one.
There are more resources than we'll have time to look at together, and if you want a preview, you can read all about it at .
Volunteers Needed!
Nurture is looking for two volunteers for our potlucks on the last Sundays of the month for Meet and Eat. One person would be in charge of making sure the coffee is started and the other person would be in charge of making sure things get cleaned up. There could be different people at each potluck or you could do more than one. There is a sign up sheet in the office or you can email or text ( or 260-341-2965) if you would be willing to help with this for a month. We will be taking a break in July from Meet and Eat so we won’t need volunteers then but that leaves April, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December. Please think about helping!
Getting to Know Our New Members!
Answers to Trivia Questions from the New Member Reception:
I have six children. Angela
I was a Boy Scout leader for 10 years. Ginny
I love musicals. Denise
I have been to Greece 13 times. Mark
I am a retired engineer. Mark
Irises are my favorite flower. Ginny
I enjoy magnet fishing. Ginny
I love Star Wars movies. Angela
I was a teacher in FWCS for 21 years. Denise
I love to draw animation cartoons. Angela
I have five grandchildren. Mark
I was a taxidermist. Ginny
I came here as a refugee in 1977. Angela
I grew up in Crystal Church of the Brethren. Denise
I started silversmithing at age 62. Mark
I was raised as a Mennonite at First Mennonite Church. Angela
I am a member of the Dull Men’s Club on Facebook. Mark
I enjoy many different crafts and like creating journals. Denise
I am a “cozy” mystery buff. Miss Marple is my favorite detective. Ginny
I am married to my high school sweetheart. Denise
Thank you to Ruth Ann Bever for planning the New Member Reception as well as creating the trivia activity!
Weekly Food Bank Update
Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are pancake mix and broth. Monetary donations are also appreciated.
Shoppers are needed for May 2024, if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.
Sister Song Circle
Love does not need to be a finite resource. In these times when we can know the violence and heartbreak throughout the world, every minute of the day and night, we must nourish ourselves and one another all the more intentionally and generously. As women gather to sing together, singing each other's favorite songs, singing gentle lullabies, singing in many languages, singing of strength and hope, singing that creates and celebrates beauty - we generate more love among us, within each of us--to sustain each woman, each family--to share widely. Practicing curiosity and kindness with new friends, old friends, friends for only one night as we pass through one another's lives. We open our ears to listen to the song. We open our hearts to each person who gathers, from all ages and walks of life.
All women (as you understand yourself) and your kids/grandkids/niblings are invited to our monthly Sister Song Circle, a partnership between Beacon Heights and Sophia's Portico, birthed by Kelsi Lee. You don't need to be a "singer" to come. We begin with a potluck at 5:30pm, then the women sing together while the kids have crafts and a mindful movie. You are encouraged to bring $5/family to support the childcare program (whether you bring kids along or not, this is a way of caring and sharing together).
We gather on the last Thursday of each month, so April 25. Contact Pastor Anna Lisa with questions.
Used Eclipse Glasses Wanted!
We're collecting eclipse glasses to share with schoolchildren in Latin America for the August 2024 eclipse! Please bring any US-made paperboard glasses that have the manufacturer's address and contact info and that bear the ISO logo. All others will be discarded due to liability and quality issues.
Lenses must be in good condition, without perforations, tears, or punctures that would allow radiation to penetrate through to the user's eyes. Damaged lenses will be discarded.
Cardboard and Workday
Diana's Poplar Village Garden needs more cardboard for the best layering and mulching practices! Support this community garden with your unneeded boxes - you can drop off at the garden (2107 Broadway) or bring to the collection tub in the church kitchen. See more volunteer and donation opportunities at . Next workday is Sunday, April 21 at 1pm - what a great way to celebrate Earth Day after a powerful worship service with David Radcliff - want to bring your lunch and work alongside some Beacon Heights friends?
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!
Come join the fun of meeting at someone’s home for dinner on Saturday, May 18 at 6:00 p.m. Sign up to be the place people come to and furnish the main course and drink. OR just sign up to bring dessert, or a side dish, or a dessert. Meet new people, join old friends! It’s so much fun! Just sign up! The form will also be emailed to you.
Please sign up using the bulletin insert on April 21 or 28, email to or text her at 260-341-2965 by MAY 5. Please sign up as soon as you know your schedule as Ruth Ann is out of town May 1-9. You will receive your assignment on Sunday, May 12 in your box. If you don’t pick it up, you will get a phone call. Hope you can join the food and fellowship!
A Ukulele is Available
Have you ever wanted to learn how to play the ukulele, or would you like to have one to play? One of our members has a new ukulele that she'd be happy to share with someone who would enjoy it. Please let Pastor Paula know if you would like to have it.
Next SUNDAY: April 21, 2024
Theme: Earth Day, Creation Care
Our new mission statement proposal says, “We recognize all of God’s creation as holy and deserving of our compassion and care.” On this Earth Day Sunday, we will be joined by special guest, David Radcliff, Director of New Community Project, who will bring the message, children’s story, and moment for mission as we consider the earth, humanity’s destructive impact, and the ways that we can proactively live into hope in the face of despair. Please make sure to especially invite friends and family who feel concerned about climate change, the future of our earth, and what we can do. David, a member of the Church of the Brethren, is a dynamic, prophetic speaker and teacher who “practices what he preaches” with a focus on earth care, learning tours, and “peace thru justice.” NCP is a small nonprofit organization with a Big Goal: to change the world! You can learn more at Environmental Sustainability | New Community Project.
To prepare, please read: Jeremiah 32.
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595
We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)