The Beacon
February 9, 2024 Volume 66, No 06
This SUNDAY: February 11, 2024
Theme: The Divine Power of Rest
We humans reward the busiest people who work double or triple the hours and impressively accomplish more than anybody else. Some of us feel afraid to slow down in a world that tells us that we’re never enough or that we’ll fall behind everybody else if we do. Others face economic situations that make rest a privilege that some can have but some can’t. Even we peacemakers venerate service so much that we do and do and do! And then there are the many balls we must juggle – because, well, life! We dare not drop one! But could it be that we’re doing violence to our bodies and souls when we fail to receive God’s gift of rest – or to trust God enough to rest? What does it mean to let God lead us to a lush pasture – allowing God to restore our inner person? We’ll look at rest as an action of defiance in a too-busy world, and the way it makes us whole.
To prepare, please read: Psalm 23:1-3.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Sunday, February 11
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. All About Beacon Heights
Monday, February 12
6:30 p.m. Witness Commission
Office Open 8:00 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tuesday, February 13
7:00 p.m. Nurture Commission
Office Closed
Wednesday, February 14
9:30-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
12:30 p.m. Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon
8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Office Open
Thursday, February 15
Office Closed
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Friday, February 16
9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open
Saturday, February 17
Sunday, February 18
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 2/4/2024:
In-person attendance 59
Offering 2/4 N/A
Food Bank on 2/7/2024:
Individuals served: 63
Families served: 20
***Pastor Anna Lisa will be away February 6th through the 15th.
Email Address Change
Paula Crill would like to note that her new email address is: She no longer can receive emails from her old address!
What Does it Look Life for Pastor Anna Lisa to be 1/3 Time?
Staff Relations shares these expectations hoping that the congregation will feel like they can collaborate and connect with Anna Lisa, and that she can be supported to work a reasonable amount.
Beginning this year, Pastor Anna Lisa is working 1/3 time, which is about 14 hours per week. Anna Lisa continues to share the preaching and worship equally with Pastor Paula, which means that the largest portion of Anna Lisa's work is focused on preaching and sermons. We look forward to having Anna Lisa with us on Sundays at least 2 or 3 times a month.
Anna Lisa's other work includes Witness, outreach and social media, as well as supporting the administration, pastoral care and congregational life that Pastor Paula has a primary role in.
In addition, Anna Lisa will have 1 day a week working in the office (for a total of no more than 2 days onsite per week, ideally). Given that we have meetings and activities any and all days of the week, depending on the week, Anna Lisa's day onsite will change week-to-week, but will be listed in the Beacon and bulletin calendars for you to see.
Please schedule time to see her in person on those days if you'd like - she wants to be in-person when possible. And reach out to her other ways as well. At this point, Anna Lisa doesn't have a regular "day off" because that's too strange to figure out in a 1/3 time job.
We'll learn as we go.
Please talk with a member of staff or Staff Relations if you have questions, concerns or suggestions. Connie McGowin (chair), Carla Kilgore, Kathi Saffer, Linda Wolf, Sean Baker, Dave Wysong
All About Beacon Heights
If you are interested in learning more about our congregation or becoming a member, you are invited to join Pastor Paula and others to talk about who we are, what we do, and what we find most meaningful about being part of this community. We will meet on February 11th from about 11:45 to 1, and a light lunch will be provided. Please speak with Pastor Paula if you have questions, or to let her know that you will be able to come (but even if you decide at the last minute,
that's okay, too!).
Meet & Eat
We encourage you to join us as we prepare for Lent season exploring the stories of Peter on February 11th & 18th -- for sessions with Joel Kline teaching a Bible Study on Peter.
Make it stand out
"Fight Like Jesus" during
Meet and Eat!!!
During the first four weeks of March, Dan Ulrich will lead sessions based on the book, Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus Waged Peace Throughout Holy Week by Jason Porterfield. The book is engaging, and not difficult to read; although reading it is not required. The cost of the book is $14, and the Education Commission is willing to fund half of the purchase of the book with individuals paying half. If you would like a copy, please let Pastor Paula know by email or text by Sunday, Feb. 18th: and 937-467-5672. Please identify yourself in the text.
Your Chance to Support the Refugee Family!
Aimerance needs rides to and from her English class on Tuesdays and Fridays. It runs from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Class is at 1005 West Rudisill (Door A), on the former campus of Fort Wayne Bible College/Taylor University. You can drive her whenever it works for you. Please contact Kyla Zehr as soon as possible if you are available on any Tuesday or Friday. (Aimerance is very friendly and communicates well with smiles for now. She lives very near the church at 2606 Lynn Avenue). Thank you!
Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon
All ladies are invited to join the Birthday Luncheon group to celebrate monthly birthdays and enjoy spending time together. Please mark your calendars for the following date.
February 14 at 12:30 p.m. Treat yourself to an elegant Valentine’s Day lunch in a private room at Don Hall’s Gas House, downtown. (If Fort Wayne Community Schools happen to be canceled because of bad weather, we will not meet.)
Please contact Jeanie Lantz ( or Mary Whitehead ( by February 12 if you plan to attend.
It would be wonderful to have you join us for the luncheon!
Weekly Food Bank Update
Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are broth, rice, and pancake mix. Monetary donations are also appreciated.
Shoppers are needed for March 2024, if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.
2024 NIDCOB Women’s Retreat
Join us for another retreat for women and their friends and family members in the Northern Indiana District Church of the Brethren!
Saturday, March 16th, 2024 9:00am–3:00pm at Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship - 58362 Beech Rd., Osceola, IN 46561
(between Elkhart & Mishawaka)
Topic: "Giving Your Best Life"
The power of giving and gratitude in helping you get unstuck, taking a step of faith, and letting God write your story.
Speaker: Stephanie L. Jones, motivational speaker & writer of The Giving Challenge. Stephanie is an award-winning author, speaker, podcaster, and coach from Valporaiso, IN.
Our time together will include 2 sessions of musical worship, prayer, teaching & discussion. Light Breakfast items will be provided during arrival check-in, and our Baked Potato & Salad Bar lunch is also included in your cost.
(Vegan & Gluten-Free options are available at both meals.)
Cost: $10/person
Friends & Family welcome! Register them with your church for the same fee. Stephanie will also have helpful resources & materials available for your purchase after the Retreat!
Please register with Mary Wysong by: (forms are in the church office or contact Mary)
by Wed., February 28th, 2024
Shepherd’s Heart is looking forward to seeing you as we connect and learn together!
You may call or email SHF’s Women’s Ministry Leader with questions about the retreat:
Tammy Victor, 574-361-7704,
Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship
Save the Date!
Nurture has reserved 30 tickets for the TinCaps game on Saturday, June 29. This game also includes fireworks! Put this on your calendar if you have interest and you may let Ruth Ann Bever know if you want your name on the list. The tickets will be $14.00 apiece. Children’s tickets are half price, compliments of Education.
Next SUNDAY: february 18, 2024
Theme: Jesus Sought Me
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
We begin Lent with the reminder that from dust we come, to dust we shall return and usually lean into our brokenness and mistakes. But we begin this year with Jesus calling disciples with confidence, faith , and hope. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Marianne Williamson
It's scary to be called, to be capable, because we are responsible!
To prepare, please read: Luke 5:1-11.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595
We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)