The Beacon
September 15, 2023 Volume 65, No 38
This SUNDAY: September 17, 2023
Theme: Connecting Shelter and Stewardship
You will not want to miss this message! Janice Shull will share her story about living through Hurricane Katrina, their relocation, and the rebuilding efforts she witnessed. She also will ponder the many ways that we are shelter for one another and others, and the ways that Brethren Disaster Ministries lives into that in concrete ways through our giving.
To prepare, please read Psalm 46: 1-7.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Sunday, September 17
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. Education Commission
Monday, September 18
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office Open
7:00 p.m. Board Meeting
Pastor Anna Lisa Onsite
Tuesday, September 19
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site
Office Closed
Wednesday, September 20
9:00-2:00 Office Open
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
Thursday, September 21
6:30 p.m. Choir
Office Closed
Friday, September 22
9:00 a.m-2:00 p.m. Office Open
Saturday, September 23
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 9/10/2023:
In-person attendance 72
Offering 9/03 $4,756
Food Bank on 9/13/2023:
25 Families served
82 Individuals in families
Beacon Heights is a Faith Partner with Wellspring Interfaith Social Services, and has financially supported their efforts for a number of years. Join us for Meet and Eat on September 17 to hear about this wonderful organization's services. CEO, Ermina Mustedanagic will share how Wellspring is impacting the physical and spiritual needs of those in need in our community.
August 2023 Food Bank Statistics
Open 5 Wednesdays
Families served: 139
Individuals served: 422
Food donations
Beacon Heights: 505 lbs.
Associated Churches: 1290 lbs.
Other Churches: 813 lbs.
In addition, Beacon Heights shoppers spent $2055.27 for 1676 lbs.
22 Beacon Heights Food Bank volunteers 150 hrs. to keep the Food Bank operating in August
Thank you to all the June 2923 volunteers
Tom Bever Kathy Schmidt
Ruth Ann Bever Jeanie Lantz
Brenda Galbraith Jan Lung
Sandy Kiracofe Dianne Lung
Mary Whitehead Joan Thompson
Doug Wages Lois Guess
Ev Kilgore Tom Coursen
Mark Beck MaryJane Coursen
Dave Wysong Anna Lisa Gross
Kris Bohnstedt -Thorn Barb Bohnstedt-Thorn
Bill Hollenberg Amy Hollenberg
food bank needs
The Food Bank has been serving an increasing numbers of families. In order to reduce the amount of food our shoppers need to purchase, we will be asking for donations of the most needed food items each week. Currently, our most needed items are pancake mix and syrup. We will also be needing cash donations. Shoppers are still needed for September 27th and October 11th.
Attention book lovers
Please help yourselves to as many books that capture your attention (or that you think a friend might enjoy) from the large supply on the ping pong table and pool table in the youth room on the lower level. There are also books in the shelf by the kitchen door in the fellowship hall that are available to be taken.
The downstairs adult library, which was seldom used, has been dismantled to make shelf space for the preschool to use. Please browse and take books through October 12 when the remaining books will be taken to a donation site.
Current adult books may still be found, available for check out, on the bookshelf in the front entryway. Parents of children or grandchildren or others interested, please enjoy browsing and checking out children’s books from the large selection in the children’s library that remains in place in the lower level preschool. Happy reading!
NEXT SUNDAY: september 24, 2023
Theme: Say Hello
In his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul shares a long list of people to whom he sends a “hello.” It’s really rather endearing – and almost like a contemporary “shout-out!” He sends his greetings to Christian friends who look out for one another, welcome one another, take care of each other’s needs, take risks for one another, offer hospitality to each other, work side by side, and more! And so we will explore the ways that we find shelter through our friendships with one another at Beacon Heights as progressive, courageous Chistians following Jesus. In the midst of hostility and the world’s storms, how are we shelter for one another?
To prepare, please read Romans 16:1-16.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595