The Beacon
August 6, 2023 Volume 65, No 31
This Sunday: August 6, 2023
Theme: Abundance!
For what are we hungry? When we gather for worship, what do we need the most? Fellowship? God’s presence? New insight and stimulating engagement? Inspiration that energizes us? Solidarity as activists and a people on the margins? In light of the crowd who followed Jesus, we will explore our hungers, what it means to use what we have, and how we might receive even more than we need. We might also ask the hard question: Are we receiving what we need, and if not, why? What keeps us from that?
Please read Matthew 14: 13-21 and Isaiah 55: 1-3 to prepare.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Sunday, August 6
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
Monday, August 7
Office Closed
Tuesday, August 8
Office Closed
6:30 p.m. Nurture Commission Meeting
Wednesday, August 9
9:00-2:00 Office Open
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
Carpets Cleaned
Thursday, August 10
9:00 - 2:00 Office Open
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
Friday, August 11
9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open
Saturday, August 12
10:30 BICYCLE Ride
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 7/30/2023:
In-person attendance 52
Offering 7/23 $5,253.00
Food Bank on 8/2/2023:
26 Families served
73 Individuals in families
Meet & Eat This Week
Join us Sunday, August 6th for Meet and Eat with Ruth Ann Bever to discuss a Lilly grant writing for a book about her stuffed beaver!
Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon, August 9, 12:30 pm
Casa Ristorante, 4111 Parnell Avenue
All ladies are welcome to come help celebrate those with August birthdays, enjoy great conversation and fellowship with friends from Beacon Heights, and treat yourself to a delicious lunch.
Please let Mary Whitehead know by Tuesday, August 8, if you plan to attend. You may text or call 260-409-2328 or send email to
Come join the ice cream ride next Saturday, August 12. We will begin at the Swinney Park parking lot on West Jefferson at 1:30. Ruth Ann will meet you there, and we will bike to the Bever's house, mainly on the towpath trail. It is about 7 miles to their house. There will time for ice cream, rest, and conversation. When you are ready, you will ride back to Swinney Park. If you want to have a shorter ride, let Ruth Ann know and she can give you some alternate starting places. Please email or text Ruth Ann if you are riding so there is enough ice cream! Hope to see you there!
Food Bank Shoppers
The food bank is in need of shoppers for the weeks of August 30th. Please sign up in the church office if interested. There is also a new list available for those who wish to sign up for future dates!
Beacon Heights Welcoming Friends Update
Those of us on the refugee committee are so encouraged by the congregation’s support of our endeavors to welcome a family of refugees. Thank you all so much.
Our family of 4 seems like a perfect fit for BH congregation: father, mother, 3 year old son and 7 month old daughter. At this point, we can’t share too many details until they arrive in the US due to safety concerns for them. We hope to see them within the next 5-7 weeks.
Since we started this journey, we have received offers to help in various ways from many of you. Thank you for that. Our committee has been fairly busy the last couple of weeks assessing our current and future needs. Below are some of those needs. Please sign your name and check off any items that you could help us with. This list of needs will be updated as we fill some needs and determine new ones.
We still need $1200 to cover the costs to support the family monetarily for the first 3 months after they arrive. Thanks to those who have contributed so far. We’re getting close to our goal, but not yet there. Even $20 helps. Please mark your donation clearly for the Refugee Fund.
Household Items:
Thanks to donations from Don and Joyce Jordan and a friend of Doug Wages, we have many of the large household items covered. But there are a few items we still need. Please let us know if you can furnish any of these:
Queen bed mattress (must be new)
High chair for baby
Laptop for family
Area rug for living room for toddler and baby
Car seats for toddler and baby (2)
Other Assistance:
There are a number of areas where we can use help. Some of these are more immediate; others are needs we will have in the future. It’s helpful for us to have a list of people who would be willing to help.
Tech assistance in setting up an online calendar to track who is on call for the family, who will be out of town or unavailable from our team. Track appointments and other engagements for the family.
Help with moving donated furniture. Within the next couple of weeks, we have to move some items to either the church basement or apartment. And then another time to move things from the church basement to the apartment for the family.
Access to a large vehicle capable of accommodating driver, translator and the family of 4 with 2 car seats. (To meet them when they arrive at airport.)
Transportation to appointments, applications for benefits, weekly grocery trips, etc.
Host family for meals in your home or theirs or somewhere out to eat
Plan outing for family – picnic, zoo, park, etc.
Any other ways you might help that we haven’t thought about yet.
Beacon Heights Welcoming Friends (Refugee Group)
Leslie Sperry, Carla Kilgore, Ev Kilgore, Maurie Sperry, Robyn Valdizon, Brian Zehr, Kyla Zehr
What is BVS again?
Brethren Volunteer Service is 1 way that a person can spend a chunk of their life as a full-time volunteer. Some Beacon Heights folks have done BVS, and maybe some will do it in the future! Older adults can choose to volunteer for 6 months instead of a year if we prefer. There is a new book out celebrating 75 years of BVS, filled with stories. Even if you've never heard of BVS, the stories of volunteers over the generations will draw you in and inspire. You can check it out from the Beacon Heights library!
You can learn more about BVS anytime here: or look through one of the project books on the info table at church!
NEXT SUNDAY: August 13, 2023
Theme: Too much of a good thing.
Our planet is getting overheated by what we burn and do; our politics and public discourse are often overheated by untruths and unhearing; When things get too overheated, we commit violence on each other. Think you don’t? Even the disciples asked to rain down fire on those who didn’t respond to God’s call. What do you do with *heat*? Yours, and the heat all around you? Does anyone’s anger *not* feel righteous?
Please read Luke 9: 51-62 to prepare.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long & Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595