The Beacon
August 18, 2023 Volume 65, No 33
This SUNDAY: August 20, 2023
Theme: Both Sides Now
We live with contradictions, and tensions: We suffer and celebrate, laugh and weep, struggle and sail. We hold mixed emotions, perhaps feeling guilty about some of them. We see devastation around the world and feel that we have no right to happiness, peace, and joy. But even in scripture, we see the overlapping of “opposites.” Suffering and lament is a normal part of human existence, but so is joy and celebration. How do we sense God’s presence with us in the shadows, giving them their due, and also live into celebration?
Please read Revelation 10: 8-10 and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 to prepare.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Sunday, August 20
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
Monday, August 21
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site
9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Office Open
7 p.m. Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 22
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site
Office Closed
Wednesday, August 23
Pastor Anna Lisa On-Site
9:00-2:00 Office Open
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
Thursday, August 24
Office Closed
Friday, August 25
9:00 a.m-2:00 p.m Office Open
Saturday, August 26
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 8/13/2023:
In-person attendance 67
Offering 8/06 $10, 492
Food Bank on 8/16/2023:
28 Families served
87 Individuals in families
Pastor Paula will be away from from August 25th until September 9th to attend a Celebration of Life Service for Dan’s stepmother, Doris Metzler at Bridgewater Church of the Brethren. She will then be on a week-long vacation with Dan and also attend the Church of the Brethren National Older Adult Conference at Lake Junaluska, NC, along with other members of our congregation.
Meet and Eat This Week
Beacon Heights Church is both a faith family and the building that we call home. Like any other home, we want to feel welcomed, accepted, and important to others with whom we share that home. What appearances and facilities influence how comfortable we are in our home? Join us for Meet and Eat this coming Sunday, August 20, as we explore ways that our physical building can feel like a loving home for us and others. Your participation will help the Board gather useful information as they more formally consider ways to Refresh our spaces. The more people involved in the conversation, the greater the likelihood that we will be happy with the direction we pursue.
On August 27, we will talk more specifically about possible building improvements and what it would take for us to make them. As is our way, any actions taken outside of the scope of the Board or the adopted budget will be determined through Church Council action.
THank you
The love, support and extra work of our church family is especially appreciated as we continue to grieve the loss of Andrew. Thank you for all the help with the service to celebrate Andrew's life - delicious food, lovely flowers, beautiful music, kind words, warm greeters/ushers, expert technical support and patient pastoral care. We are truly blessed by your relationships.
Beacon Heights Welcoming Friends
Exciting News!!!
We have an expected date of arrival for our refugee family – September 13th!! Stay tuned for more updates as everything gets finalized.
Thanks to all you who contributed funds and needed items and offers of help. And many thanks to those of you who moved furniture and household items last Saturday.
We are still a few hundred dollars short. So we’re getting close to our goal, but not yet there. All donations small or larger help. Please mark your donation clearly for the Refugee Fund.
Household Items:
Here’s our current needs:
______ Full size (double) box spring and mattress (must be new)
______ High chair for baby
______ Car seat for toddler or baby
______ Books for adult language learners as well as for the children
______ Bicycles for toddler and adults
Other Assistance:
There are a number of areas where we can use help. Some of these are more immediate; others are needs we will have in the future. It’s helpful for us to have a list of people who would be willing to help.
_______ Tech assistance in setting up an online calendar to track who is on call for the family, who will be out of town or unavailable from our team. Track appointments and other engagements for the family.
_______ Help with moving donated furniture and household goods to an apartment once it’s secured.
_______ Access to a large vehicle capable of accommodating driver, translator and the family of 4 with 2 car seats. (To meet them when they arrive at airport.)
_______ Assistance with shopping for initial groceries and household supplies
________Transportation to appointments, applications for benefits, weekly grocery trips, etc.
_______ Host family for meals in your home or theirs or somewhere out to eat
_______ Plan outing for family – picnic, zoo, park, etc.
________Meet for language practice or just conversation
Any other ways you might help that we haven’t thought about yet.
Beacon Heights Welcoming Friends (Refugee Group)
Leslie Sperry, Carla Kilgore, Ev Kilgore, Maurie Sperry, Robyn Valdizon, Brian Zehr, Kyla Zehr
Leland Harding is looking to borrow as small garden tiller to work in the north garden next week. Let Leland know if you have one available!
60th Anniversary of the march on washington
Join the Unity March across MLK bridge in downtown Fort Wayne next Sunday, August 27th at 5p.m. to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. Remember to wear your BH t-shirts and we will meet at the church at 4:30p.m. to carpool!
Carla Kilgore & Craig Smith are excited to welcome Kyle, the exchange student who was mentioned in the Beacon a few weeks ago, into their home. He arrived on Tuesday, 8/15 just after noon, and will get registered at school and begin as a junior at South Side HS on Wednesday. If Kyle chooses to come to church, we feel glad to know that you would all help welcome him, and we hope he will have a good year in Fort Wayne.
You’re Invited to a Picnic!
Please mark Sunday, September 10, on your calendar for the annual Beacon Heights picnic! It will be at the nearby Lions Park after church. Chicken and bottled water will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. We look forward to food and fellowship! There is a sign up sheet on the counter in the church office or you may email ( or text (260-341-2965) Ruth Ann to let us know about how much chicken to get! We look forward to seeing you!
NEXT SUNDAY: August 27, 2023
Theme: Borders, bread, safety, celebration
Leslie Sperry and Pastor Anna Lisa invite you to bring full and heavy hearts to worship. Have you ever moved to another country? Was it for adventure? Opportunity? Safety? We'll listen to ancient and modern stories together, from Ruth to Miriam to our global neighbors today.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595