The Beacon


June 2, 2023 Volume 65, No 22


This Sunday: June 4, 2023

Theme: Sleep and surrender (when enough is…enough!)

God created not just the heavens, the earth, all creatures on the earth and under the earth…God created rest. God rested and created in rhythm, from the very beginning. Some of us have healthy rhythms of work and rest. Some of us work and/or worry until we collapse. How can we let enough be enough? In a peaceful and faithful way? How can sleep be a spiritual discipline?

Please read Genesis 1: 1 — 2: 3 and 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 to prepare.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross

This Sunday, bring your quarters to put in the collection for Heifer International!

Sunday, June 4
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. Membership class & luncheon
2:00 p.m. Party for Judy Frederick

Monday, June 5
Preschool Workday

Tuesday, June 6
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
10:00 a.m. Pastors meet with Melody
11:00 a.m. Pastors meet with Melinda
7:00 p.m. Education meeting

Wednesday, June 7
9:30 a.m.         Food Bank

Thursday, June 8
Pastor Anna Lisa away
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting

Friday, June 9
Pastor Anna Lisa away
Church Office closed.

Saturday, June 10
Pastor Anna Lisa away

Pastor Anna Lisa will be taking time away from June 8 through June 13.

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 5/28/2023:

In-person attendance 72
Offering 5/21 $8,186.00


Food Bank on 5/31/2023:

18 Families served
57 Individuals in families

All are invited as we gather at Beacon Heights on June 17th, at 10:30 a.m., to celebrate Joyce & Don Jordan’s 60th wedding anniversary! Light refreshments will be provided.


For those interested in membership:

This Sunday June 4 and also on June 11, we will be hosting luncheons to share a conversation about what it means to become a member of Beacon Heights Church. Those who are interested in membership (even if you're just curious) should attend both luncheons. Bring something you like to eat (for yourself or to share). Connect with Dave Wysong or a Pastor if you have any questions.

Service to Families in Need — Just Neighbors: IHN

Our Beacon Heights fellowship continues to support families transitioning through homelessness at Just Neighbors: Interfaith Homeless Network. We will be providing, but at not serving, dinners at the Just Neighbors home a few blocks from Church on June 4, 5, 6. Please be part of the team providing meal items on one of those evenings. Food dishes will be dropped off, in nonreturnable containers, at the IHN administration office 2925 E. State, back door, prior to 5:00 PM each day. Staff can reheat as needed. Currently 6 families (19 individuals) are in shelter. Other supplies are always appreciated, such as bathroom tissue, cleaning supplies, diapers, lunch food, and can be dropped off at Church or directly to Just Neighbors. Click this link for the full donation wish list.

Sign up on the poster at church or
contact Mark/Barb Beck at 637-2144 or 403-6220 or
email with questions or to volunteer.

Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon, June 14, 12:30 p.m.

It is time to gather again and celebrate the birthdays of the month. All are welcome!


Where: Lakeside Park and Rose Garden

Bring: Your lunch and your chair

Meet: Under the trees off Vermont Street north of the sunken garden area.

Weather: Hope for a beautiful day, but if a rainy, cold day, meet at church.

No RSVP needed! Come join the fellowship and help plan for the months ahead.


Save the Date: July 22nd
Fort Wayne Pride Fest!

Pride Fest is coming up, and we’re starting to get organized! As in past years, we will have a table/booth in the non-profit area at the festival, in Headwaters Park East. We are seeking volunteers to staff our booth, which we will have set up from 12 noon to around 7pm, on July 22nd. It was fairly busy last year, so we’re hoping to have 3 or more people present at all times. Please connect with Beth Crook or Thom Quinlan if you would like to assist at the Beacon Heights booth!

We are also seeking donations of cases of water bottles. Bring them to church any time (marked clearly for Pride Fest), and we can put the labels on them during the Meet & Eat time in the morning before church, as they arrive. We actually ran out of water last year.

Note these Pride March changes for 2023: Due to heavy construction in the area as well as a large amount of participants, the Pride March will kick off on Saturday, July 22nd at 2pm to the north of the Headwaters East festival plaza (near the Headwaters fountain).
The March is open to all Pride supporters.

A message from Linda Wolf & Jared:
”Thank you for saving can tabs for my school. Keep saving for next year!”

Next Sunday: June 11, 2023

Theme: You’re never too old.

We will explore Abraham’s response to God’s big ask – that he and Sarah leave the home of their kin to go to the land that God will show them, despite their age! Paul tells us that Abraham never wavers, even though he is “as good as dead,” given his age, and Sarah is barren and beyond child-bearing age. Wow! What a journey they took as they lived into God’s promises with blind faith. What kind of journey might God want us to take, despite the things we view as weaknesses or problems? Are we willing to leave our “kin,” the familiar and comfortable things, to explore new lands and meet new people? Are we willing to face the changes that the journey might require? And if we do, what promises from God might we carry with us?

Please read Genesis 12: 1-9 to prepare.

Pastor Paula Ulrich


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595