The Beacon


May 19, 2023 Volume 65, No 20


This Sunday: May 21, 2023

Theme: Returning to our roots? What we lost when we picked up the plow.

That ancient practice of cosmic reset - the land and creatures would rest, find rejuvenation. Debts were forgiven, so the poor did not fall into despair and rage, and the rich did not pile up resentment. The English word jubilee comes from Latin “to shout for joy.”

Imagine, Beacon Heights, a year of Jubilee, when we’re celebrating equity and rejuvenation and generosity and gentleness! When we’re feeling like enough, and that we have enough!

And to get there … well, you don’t just say “it’s Jubilee year, put down your tools and your record books.” How do we prepare for Jubilee? What could we do today, this summer, this year, to become ready for rejuvenation and abundance?

We also welcome District Executive Minister Torin Eikler who joins us as we officially install Pastor Paula Ulrich.

Please read Leviticus 25: 8-17 to prepare.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross

Sunday, May 21
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, May 22

Tuesday, May 23
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
10:00 a.m. Pastors meet with Melody
11:00 a.m. Pastors meet with Melinda
12:00 noon Security Training
2:00 p.m. Membership Records meeting
7:00 p.m. Care Team meeting

Wednesday, May 24
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m.         Food Bank

Thursday, May 25
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
12:30 p.m. Spirit Journey Women
Afternoon Carpet cleaning in church offices.
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice

Friday, May 26
Church Office closed.

Saturday, May 27

Melinda will be away May 26-29. The church office will be closed May 29.

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 5/14/2023:

In-person attendance 63
Offering 5/7 $9,658.00


Food Bank on 5/17/2023:

22 Families served
80 Individuals in families

Kitchen towels for donation should be new. Thick or thin towels are fine, but please avoid microfiber.


Beacon Heights Security & Emergency Response Training

James Feasal, security consultant, offers a training on active shooter response and emergency procedures on Tuesday, May 23 at noon at the church building. Anyone who would like to be more prepared for threats at Beacon Heights on in other public or workspaces may find the training helpful. (To be clear, we are not aware of any threats at this time. This is a precautionary & educational training.)

For those interested in membership:

On June 4 and 11, we will be hosting luncheons to share a conversation about what it means to become a member of Beacon Heights Church. Those who are interested in membership (even if you're just curious) should attend both luncheons. Bring something you like to eat (for yourself or to share). Connect with Dave Wysong or a Pastor if you have any questions.

Pre-Annual Conference Meeting at Camp Mack

All people interested in the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference should plan to attend the meeting with Moderator Tim McElwee on May 21 at 2 p.m. at Camp Mack.

All church people in the District are invited to attend this meeting in order to learn about our church's following Jesus and to raise questions; it is especially important for each congregation's delegate(s) to attend the Conference and to begin talking with your congregations about business issues that will be discussed this summer.

You may participate in person at Camp Mack or on Zoom. Tim McElwee will introduce the video dramatizing the forthcoming highlights at Cincinnati, July 4-8, and then be available to receive your questions and comments. Please plan to attend and encourage others in your congregation to attend with you!

Carpooling is available: there’s still a seat to ride with Ruth Ann & Tom Bever and pastor Paula!

Women’s Retreat at Camp Mack

Pastor Anna Lisa is leading Camp Mack's women's retreat this summer: God in your story, you in God's story! For introverts, extroverts, journalers, walkers, deeply spiritual or just curious. You are welcome! Register at — the deadline to register is May 23.

If you have them, please bring books that you’ve read and wish to share with others. We’ll sell them for a small fee, with the proceeds going to the Women’s Camp Fund. They can be cookbooks, craft books, instructional books, novels, devotionals, biographies, etc.


Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
Getting to Know Pastor Paula and Dan

As Beacon Heights continues to welcome Pastor Paula into our church family, we hope she and Dan will get to know us more intently through the warm, informal setting of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”

Guests attending will not know who will be there until they arrive. Guests will know who their hosts are, and of course, Paula and Dan. Hosts provide a main dish, and guests bring salad, bread, side dish, or dessert. (This is a great opportunity to try out a new gluten-free recipe, as Pastor Paula needs to eat gluten-free.)

This is being planned for Fridays in June, and July 14. Additional information will be emailed, and will appear here in The Beacon. George Johnson-Coffey is organizing this event and can be reached at 260-443-2184, or


Service to Families in Need — Just Neighbors: IHN

Our Beacon Heights fellowship continues to support families transitioning through homelessness at Just Neighbors: Interfaith Homeless Network. We will be providing, but at not serving, dinners at the Just Neighbors home a few blocks from Church on June 4, 5, 6. Please be part of the team providing meal items on one of those evenings. Food dishes will be dropped off, in nonreturnable containers, at the IHN administration office 2925 E. State, back door, prior to 5:00 PM each day. Staff can reheat as needed. Currently 6 families (19 individuals) are in shelter. Other supplies are always appreciated, such as bathroom tissue, cleaning supplies, diapers, lunch food, and can be dropped off at Church or directly to Just Neighbors. Click this link for the full donation wish list.

Sign up on the poster at church or
contact Mark/Barb Beck at 637-2144 or 403-6220 or
email with questions or to volunteer.

Get your tickets for the Beacon Heights outing to the Tin Caps game on June 17 at 6:30 p.m. We have reserved 30 tickets and there are only 11 left, so let Ruth Ann Bever know as soon as possible how many you want. The tickets are $14.50 apiece and there are fireworks after the game. Come join the fun!

Next Sunday: May 28, 2023

Pentecost Sunday

On this Pentecost Sunday when we celebrate the Spirit of God among us, we will hear Paul reminding us that it’s not only the obvious gifts that are important – the productive, measurable ones – but even more importantly our love for one another as a beloved community that fully includes everyone. We will think about the quiet gifts that bless our relationships with one another. And we will look at our interdependence as a gift in the body of Christ, and the value, depth, and treasure of those who are unable to “do” but share the gift of “being,” instead, as well as those who “do differently.”

Please read I Corinthians 12: 4-27 to prepare.

Pastor Paula Ulrich

Pastor Paula can be reached by email at


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595