The Beacon


April 21, 2023 Volume 65, No 16


This Sunday: April 23, 2023

What makes a group of people a community? Some say communities form where people live, work, and play together. Others say that people become a community when they are united through a common struggle. Still others say a community forms when people develop a history of shared stories. All of these may be true but it is helpful to distinguish them from what characterizes a faith community. This Sunday we will hear thoughts about what makes a faith community from a blogger, a Benedictine Nun, and a Beacon Heights member.

In preparation for worship, please read John 13: 31-35 to prepare.

Council Sunday

Sunday, April 23
9:30 a.m.          Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m.         Worship

Monday, April 24

Tuesday, April 25
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.

Wednesday, April 26
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m.         Food Bank

Thursday, April 27
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
12:30 p.m. Spirit Journey Women
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice

Friday, April 28
Church Office closed.

Saturday, April 29

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Weekly Announcements

  • Spring Council Meeting is coming up this Sunday, April 23. (Council Packets are available in the church office.)
    Please feel free to bring your lunch as we hear updates on the arrival of Pastor Paula Ulrich and the Bylaw review — as well as reports on the ministries and priorities of Beacon Heights from the Board, Pastor, and Commission chairs.

Worship on 4/16/2023:

In-person attendance 71
Offering 4/9 $3,063.00


Food Bank on 4/19/2023:

22 Families served
69 Individuals in families

Pastor Paula joins us May 1, and she and her husband Dan will be with us for Meet & Eat and worship on May 7.



Open House at Little PAL House (Phillip and Anna Lisa's house)

Joyfield Farm: 4898 E 1400 N, North Manchester

(your GPS will call is 4898 E Martin Rd, which will get you there, but there are no signs with "Martin Rd" anywhere)

Saturday, April 22 3-5pm

In addition to seeing how many Beaconers can fit inside this little house, enjoy the farm, chickens, big sweet dog, swings, slide...maybe there will even be something growing in the garden to see!

Follow this link to view Phillip's presentation about the house he and Pastor Anna Lisa live in.


Meet & Eat

Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation

16-hour Core Training
May 4-5 and 11-12, 2023

This workshop is offered as part of On Earth Peace’s “1000 Brethren” Kingian Nonviolence Training Project.

While all participants will be warmly welcomed, we are specifically recruiting and designing for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren, a historic peace church. This means that conversations and sessions will include application to Christian faith and church contexts. One of the facilitators, Rhonda Baker, spent her early years at Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren! The facilitation team also includes Matt Guynn, Thomas Dowdy, and Mandy Park.

Dates: The 16-hour training takes place over four days in a two-week period: May 4-5 (Thursday-Friday), May 11-12 (Thursday-Friday) Click here to find the start time in your time zone!

Times for each training day: 8am-12pm Pacific / 9am-1pm Mountain / 10am-2pm Central / 11am-3pm Eastern

Pre-Annual Conference Meeting at Camp Mack

All people interested in the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference should plan to attend the meeting with Moderator Tim McElwee on May 21 at 2 p.m. at Camp Mack.

All church people in the District are invited to attend this meeting in order to learn about our church's following Jesus and to raise questions; it is especially important for each congregation's delegate(s) to attend the Conference and to begin talking with your congregations about business issues that will be discussed this summer.

You may participate in person at Camp Mack or on Zoom. Tim McElwee will introduce the video dramatizing the forthcoming highlights at Cincinnati, July 4-8, and then be available to receive your questions and comments. Please plan to attend and encourage others in your congregation to attend with you!

Next Sunday: April 30, 2023

Theme: Grace Overflowing

You are our shepherd, protector, guide. We walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Kyla Zehr shares a story of loss, forgiveness, and grace. You prepare a table for us. We share communion, the abundance of blessing that meets us as we are. Our cup runneth over! Anna Lisa preaches on Psalm 23 and we share the blessing of anointing, for healing in body, mind and spirit.

In preparation for worship, please read Psalm 23 to prepare.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595