The Beacon
April 13, 2023 Volume 65, No 15
This Sunday: April 16, 2023
First Witnesses to Resurrection
Join us in worship as we welcome our guest speaker, David Radcliff, from New Community Project (NCP). NCP is a small nonprofit with a big goal: to change the world. NCP’s “primary mission is to educate people in US society around issues of consumption, globalization, and living responsibly with the earth and with our neighbors. We also support the work of our partners in seven countries in educating girls, empowering women, and carrying out reforestation. We provide resources that challenge us, experiences that change us and a community that gives us hope.”
David will share a message entitled “Between now and then” based on Mark 16:1-8, the text where the women who went to anoint Jesus’ body discover that he arose and is no longer in the tomb. He will also introduce NCP during Meet and Eat and engage the children during their special time in worship. Come to learn more about David’s vision for living between now and then as followers of Jesus’ way, as it has budded and rooted through the work of the New Community Project in the US and around the globe.
Please read Mark 16: 1-8 to prepare.
David Radcliff
Director of New Community Project
Sunday, April 16
9:30 a.m. Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
1 p.m. Sophia’s Portico: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Monday, April 17
7 p.m. Church Board meeting
Tuesday, April 18
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
7 p.m. Staff Relations meeting
Wednesday, April 19
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
Thursday, April 20
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, April 21
Church Office closed.
11:30 a.m. Preschool Staff Training
Saturday, April 22
3 p.m. Open House at Anna Lisa & Phillip’s (see below)
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Weekly Announcements
David Radcliff of New Community Project shares with us this Sunday, April 16. David is a passionate expert and teacher on climate catastrophe, women’s empowerment and creation care. We will learn and be inspired, during Meet and Eat, and worship!
Also on this Sunday, we are invited to join Sophia’s Portico for a 30th Anniversary Celebration from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. “Our celebration will begin with the story of when the seed of Sophia’s Portico was planted, including highlights of its history throughout the years and meeting with some of the Founding Mothers. We will be treated to entertainment and enjoy the sharing of how people became connected.This will include the telling of stories and special memories that all are encouraged to share.”
Spring Council Meeting is coming up on Sunday, April 23. (Council Packets will be available in the church office after worship on Sunday, April 16.)
Bring your lunch next week if you wish, and hear reports from Board Chair Kris, Pastor Anna Lisa, and each of the Commission Chair-persons.
Worship on 4/9/2023:
In-person attendance 107
Offering 4/2 $6,580.00
Food Bank on 4/12/2023:
18 Families served
46 Individuals in families
Pastor Paula joins us May 1, and she and her husband Dan will be with us for Meet and Eat and worship May 7.
Camp Mack Giving Day
Whether it’s an ice storm in February, or a severe thunderstorm in July, your support can ensure that campers and guests will have minimal impacts from power outages.
9am-11am: Volunteer Work Projects On-Site (sign up for what you'd like to do
1pm-5pm: Livestream with ice cream sundaes, games, songs, and stories (Pastor Anna Lisa is hosting Livestream, and you'll see other familiar faces!)
Meet & Eat
Open House at Little PAL House (Phillip and Anna Lisa's house)
Joyfield Farm: 4898 E 1400 N, North Manchester
(your GPS will call is 4898 E Martin Rd, which will get you there, but there are no signs with "Martin Rd" anywhere)
Saturday, April 22 3-5pm
In addition to seeing how many Beaconers can fit inside this little house, enjoy the farm, chickens, big sweet dog, swings, slide...maybe there will even be something growing in the garden to see!
Follow this link to view Phillip's presentation about the house he and Pastor Anna Lisa live in.
National Young Adult Conference
May 5-7, 2023
Camp Mack — Milford, Indiana
“I’m not done with you,”
Jeremiah 18:1–6
National Young Adult Conference (NYAC) offers people ages 18-35 a chance to enjoy fellowship, worship, recreation, Bible study, service projects and more… with other fantastic young adults!
See a draft schedule for the conference. Pastor Anna Lisa is preaching on Friday.
Registration ($250 through April 15, then $300) includes housing, meals, and programming. Scholarships available.
The Young Adult Steering Committee is busy planning and dreaming. Questions? Becky Ullom Naugle, 847-429-4385,
New Preschool Director Announced
Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren is pleased to announce the hiring of Michelle Hunley as Preschool Director, beginning June 1, 2023. Michelle has two boys who have graduated from our preschool. She initially served as a parent volunteer back in 2012. The following year she was asked to serve as an Assistant Teacher and then in 2019 she also began serving as an Assistant Director as well as Assistant Teacher. In 2022 she transitioned to being one of our three Directors for the 2022-2023 school year. We will miss our beloved Judy Frederick, but are excited about the creative ideas Michelle has for our preschool and her evident passion to continue to make it a wonderful place for children to play, grow and be loved. She originally sent her boys to our preschool because she was looking for one accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and is committed to preserving the legacy our preschool has been for Fort Wayne. We know she will strive to find ways to make it even better. Please join us in giving Michelle a warm welcome!
Next Sunday: April 23, 2023
What makes a group of people a community? Some say communities form where people live, work, and play together. Others say that people become a community when they are united through a common struggle. Still others say a community forms when people develop a history of shared stories. All of these may be true but it is helpful to distinguish them from what characterizes a faith community. Next Sunday we will hear thoughts about what makes a faith community from a blogger, a Benedictine Nun, and a Beacon Heights member.
In preparation for worship, please read John 13: 31-35 to prepare.
Council Sunday
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595