The Beacon
March 9, 2023 Volume 65, No 10
This Sunday: March 12, 2023
Third Sunday of Lent
Character - Open our Eyes, Lord
Sermon Title: The Fullness of Following Jesus
We celebrate the baptism, membership and child dedication with the Wages family. John Harding shares a message from his mother Rebecca, about the fullness of following Jesus - more than a moment of conversion, we support one another in a lifetime of discipleship: bringing love, witnessing injustice, sharing the Kin’dom of God, and experiencing joy.
Please read Romans 5: 1-11 and Matthew 4: 12-23 to prepare.
John Harding, reading from the writing of Rebecca Harding
Sunday, March 12
9:30 a.m. Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
After worship New Member Reception
Monday, March 13
7:00 p.m. Witness Commission meeting
Tuesday, March 14
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
6:30 p.m. Nurture Commission meeting
Wednesday, March 15
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
6:00 p.m. Sophia’s Portico Drum Circle
(practice session)
7:00 p.m. Stewards Commission meeting
Thursday, March 16
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, March 17
Church Office closed.
7:00 p.m. Sophia’s Portico: Spring Equinox
Saturday, March 18
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Weekly Announcements
Please plan to join a reception after church this Sunday, March 12 for our new members: Tim and Beth Wages, and their daughters Lucy and Elissa.
Mark your calendars for Easter Sunday, Apr 9. We’ll host an Easter egg hunt for our families and the Preschool families. Bring candy (no peanuts!) for eggs by April 2.
It’s not too early to mark your calendar for the Beacon Heights Tin Caps outing! We have 30 seats reserved for the Tin Caps game on Saturday, June 17 complete with fireworks afterward. If you want to reserve tickets, please let Ruth Ann Bever know. She will let you know the cost after she receives the information.
Worship on 3/5/2023:
In-person attendance 63
Offering 2/26 $3,132.00
Food Bank on 3/8/2023:
13 Families served
48 Individuals in families
A Note from the Food Bank:
Thanks to all who support our food bank in so many ways!
If you are considering donating food, please consider canned tuna (a current priority), egg noodles, pancake mix, or pancake syrup!
You are invited to join us as we raise our voices at the Allen County Courthouse.
God, be our guide when we are afraid to open our eyes
And see where we are going, or what we have done.
Take away our stubbornness and defensiveness;
When we are paralyzed by fear may we be embraced by love.
Meet & Eat
We're enjoying cooking for one another and sharing sometimes casual and sometimes focused time together before worship on Sundays! Meet and Eat began as the Search Team needed your reflections as they prepared the congregation's profile and developed a vision for the Beacon Heights pastoral team's time and priorities. We continue to Meet and Eat on Sundays at 9:30. Come early, on time or late - you are welcome to grab food and visit, or bring your plate and mug into the Parlor for a focused presentation. (Those in the Parlor get to see the folks joining on zoom, too.)
March 12: John Long shares stories and insights from Brethren Disaster Ministries.
March 19: Sara (Fry) Hoover leads a Safe Church Training. All who volunteer with youth and kids, and all Board members, are strongly encouraged to attend. We'll begin at 9:15!
March Eat & Meet Schedule
Watch for it this week in the Journal Gazette!
Next Sunday: March 19, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Courge — Open Our Eyes, Lord
The courage to choose nonviolence in a violent culture.
Please read John 9: 1-41 to prepare.
Angelo Mante
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595