The Beacon


March 18, 2023 Volume 65, No 11


This Sunday: March 19, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Lent
Courage — Cultivating Peace

The courage to choose nonviolence in a violent culture.

Please read Mark 12: 30-31 and James 3: 18 to prepare.

Angelo Mante

Angelo is founder and director of Alive Community Outreach, with a mission to cultivate a community of nonviolence through relationships and education. They offer support to co-victims of homicide and community education in Kingian Nonviolence.

Sunday, March 19
9:30 a.m.          Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m.         Worship
12 noon Anne Ott (Parlor)

Monday, March 20
7:00 p.m. Executive Committee meeting

Tuesday, March 21
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
7:00 p.m. Care Team meeting

Wednesday, March 22
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m.         Food Bank

Thursday, March 23
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
12:30 p.m. Spirit Journey Women
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice

Friday, March 24
Church Office closed.

Saturday, March 25

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Weekly Announcements

  • Join us for Safe Church Training this Sunday, March 19 starting at 9:15 a.m. After worship, we will wrap up and digest this training, as well as learning about Beacon Heights Emergency Preparedness Plan.

  • Mark your calendars for Easter Sunday, Apr 9. We’ll host an Easter egg hunt for our families and the Preschool families. Bring candy (no peanuts!) for eggs by April 2.

  • After 32 years of service with Beacon Heights Preschool we will sadly say goodbye to Judy Frederick at the end of this preschool year.

    We will be having a gratitude and farewell party for her in early June and hope to see many of the folks who have been blessed by her compassion for kids and families over the years at the party.

Worship on 3/12/2023:

In-person attendance 73
Offering 3/5 $4,016.00


Food Bank on 3/15/2023:

15 Families served
58 Individuals in families

A Note from the Food Bank:

There are plenty of openings on the sign-up form for Staples Shoppers! Please contact Tom and MaryJane Coursen, Jan and Dianne Lung, or Lois Guess if you have questions. We still need volunteers for March 29, April 5 and April 12.

If you are considering donating food, please consider canned tuna (a current priority), egg noodles, pancake mix, or pancake syrup!


Meet & Eat


We're enjoying cooking for one another and sharing sometimes casual and sometimes focused time together before worship on Sundays! Meet and Eat began as the Search Team needed your reflections as they prepared the congregation's profile and developed a vision for the Beacon Heights pastoral team's time and priorities. We continue to Meet and Eat on Sundays at 9:30. Come early, on time or late - you are welcome to grab food and visit, or bring your plate and mug into the Parlor for a focused presentation. (Those in the Parlor get to see the folks joining on zoom, too.)

March 19: Sara (Fry) Hoover leads a Safe Church Training. All who volunteer with youth and kids, and all Board members, are strongly encouraged to attend. We'll begin at 9:15!

March 26: Joshua Gale will speak with us about Just Neighbors: Interfaith Hospitality Network. From their website: “Just Neighbors's mission is to serve homeless families by uniting religious congregations, community volunteers and local agencies in a cooperative effort to provide shelter, meals, and compassionate, professional support.”


Follow this link to view Phillip's presentation about the house he and Pastor Anna Lisa live in.

Next Sunday: March 26, 2023

Fifth Sunday of Lent
Confessing our dry bones — Open our Eyes, Lord

After Jesus has called Lazarus out of the tomb, Jesus says, “Unbind him, and let him go.” What keeps us bound that we need to discard in order to experience new life? Ezekiel listens to God and dares to try - he prophesies to dry bones and they put on flesh and dance! How are we dry and lifeless and scattered about like bones in the desert? What miracle might God be whispering into our community?

Please read John 11: 17, 20-27 and Ezekiel 37: 1-14 to prepare.

Joshua Gale


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595