The Beacon
February 9, 2023 Volume 65, No 6
This Sunday: February 12, 2023
Title: Figuring it out Together
Figuring out what God is doing always sounds easier than it really is. Sometimes, the people we least expect speak up and give words to God’s activities that make it all clear. This is especially true for the first followers of Jesus. When they met together to hear how God was working with the outsiders, it was Paul—also known as Saul, the man who oversaw the stoning of Stephen—that finally convinced the church leaders that God was including Gentiles through the Spirit of Jesus.
Josh Brockway
Sunday, February 12
9:30 a.m. Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. Valentine’s Service Project
for Kids & Families
12 noon Anne Ott (Parlor)
Monday, February 13
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
7:00 p.m. Witness meeting
7:00 p.m. Stewards meeting
Tuesday, February 14
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
Wednesday, February 15
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
Thursday, February 16
9:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, February 17
Church Office closed.
Saturday, February 18
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Children's Glove Donations Needed!
Brentwood School has requested donations of children's gloves. Gloves can be new or gently used — in condition you would give to a member of your own family.
With the cold weather this is an urgent request. There will be a collection box by the office. Please donate as you're able. We will collect gloves through this Sunday — Feb. 12th.
Thanks, Witness Commission
Weekly Announcements
Next Sunday, February 19, we will gladly receive several new members to Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren! We hope you will join us as we celebrate and welcome them during worship and in a casual reception afterward.
Statistics 2/5/2023
Worship 69
Offering 1/29 $20,909.00
Food Bank on 2/8/2023:
24 Families served
65 Individuals in families
Food Bank shoppers are needed!
The new sign-up sheet is in the church office for those who would like to volunteer as a Staples Shopper for the Beacon Heights food bank. We would particularly like to have volunteers for February 22 and March 1!
Please contact Lois Guess or Jan & Dianne Lung with questions.
A note from the Financial Secretary:
Thank you to all who generously give your time and financially support our ministries.
Year End giving statements were emailed last week. If you did not receive your statement or have questions about your giving, please contact Barb Trout at:
Another Way of Living
Beacon Heights is shaking off these dreary weeks of winter by traveling across multiple continents and more than 315 years of history! Join us in person or on Zoom as we connect our theological roots with the ways we can follow Jesus today. What is most relevant and vital of our Brethren heritage and theology for Beacon Heights today?
On February 19, we will contemplate ‘The Radical Consequences of Simple Living’ as we share our Meet & Eat discussion with Nevin Dulubaum - president of Eder Financial (formerly known as Brethren Benefit Trust) - who will take us on a delightful virtual field trip to Schwarzenau, Germany. No passport or luggage required!
Discussion Group Invitation
We are forming a group to discuss sponsoring a refugee family or asylum seeker. Our first meeting will be on Sunday, Feb. 19 right after church in the parlor. Anyone who would like to be a part of this effort is invited to attend.
If you have questions, you are welcome to speak with Leslie Sperry or Ev Kilgore.
Safe Church Training
Beacon Heights cares about safety and wellbeing of all persons here - especially children. We will be having a Safe Church training this spring, and incorporating other church safety as well - like emergency plans. Part of our Safe Church policy is to strive for two (or more) adults present for all children's activities.
We are blessed to have Jennifer Spoelhof as the main teacher of the K to 5 class, and Kyla Zehr as the main teacher for the middle school class. We need you to consider being a helper in either class, once in awhile. Talk with either teacher about what the class is like, and contact Education Chair Brenda Galbraith to sign up.
Next Sunday: February 19, 2023
Theme & Title: The Radical Consequences of Simple Living
Our series Another Way of Living concludes this Sunday as Nevin Dulabaum, president of Eder Financial (formerly Brethren Benefit Trust), takes us on a delightful virtual field trip to Schwarzenau, Germany, during Meet & Eat. No passport or Luggage required!
During Worship, we will explore how our 300-year-old roots can feed new growth in today’s world. The ideal of simplicity guides Brethren decisions: How will we conduct our business, raise our children, spend our leisure time, and tend to our natural resources? Simplicity and integrity become one when we “let our yes be yes and our no be no”. Plain speak can be radical! Tim McElwee, current Annual Conference Moderator and preacher, will speak on what he’s learning as he expects to live out CoB statements on advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. How might Beacon Heights join this radical work?
Tim McElwee
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595