The Beacon
January 27, 2023 Volume 65, No 4
This Sunday: January 29, 2023
Theme & Title: Another Way of Living — Simply?
Join us on Sunday, January 29, as we greet our pastoral candidate! Breakfast items will be available starting at 9:15, so that everyone can have their plates filled before we begin Meet & Eat at 9:30a.m. Please watch for a letter in the mail which will share more information about the candidate and the schedule for the morning. Remember that we will hold a carry-in dinner after worship!
Please read Micah 6: 6-8 and Luke 19: 1-10 to prepare.
Pastoral Candidate
Saturday, January 28
7:00 p.m. Gathering to meet our Pastoral Candidate
Sunday, January 29
9:30 a.m. Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
12:00 noon Potluck Meal & Council meeting
Monday, January 30
Tuesday, January 31
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
5:30 p.m. Sophia’s Portico: “I am Love” class
Wednesday, February 1
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
Thursday, February 2
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, February 3
Church Office closed.
Saturday, February 4
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Weekly Announcements
On Saturday, Jan 28, meet our candidate for full-time pastor over desserts at 7pm. Sunday, Jan 29 come for Meet and Eat, worship, potluck and Council Meeting, as we discern together calling this pastor to Beacon Heights.
On Sunday, February 5, the Education Commission invites all children and their families to gather during the Meet & Eat time before worship to discuss Sunday School curriculum, expectations, and etiquette.
For your future plans - the annual Tin Caps outing is scheduled for June 17. Tickets are on hold. When you decide you’d like to attend this game with fireworks, please let Ruth Ann Bever know. She will let you know the price of the tickets when that information is available. It’s a fun activity to enjoy with your friends!
Statistics 1/22/2023
Worship 54
Offering 1/15/2023 $35,801.00
Food Bank on January 25:
The food bank was closed this week due to inclement weather conditions.
A note from the Financial Secretary:
Thank you to all who generously give your time and financially support our ministries.
Year End giving statements were emailed this week. If you did not receive your statement or have questions about your giving, please contact Barb Trout at:
Another Way of Living
Beacon Heights is shaking off these dreary weeks of winter by traveling across multiple continents and more than 315 years of history! Join us in person or on Zoom as we connect our theological roots with the ways we can follow Jesus today. What is most relevant and vital of our Brethren heritage and theology for Beacon Heights today?
This Sunday, January 28-29 our pastoral candidate will be introduced to Beacon Heights members and friends through fellowship and worship. Join us in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 on Saturday evening for dessert and conversation and then again Sunday morning in person or on Zoom for Meet & Eat at 9:30, Worship at 10:30 with a carry-in lunch immediately following and, finally, Church Council during which the congregation votes on calling the candidate. Be sure to save this date! Additional details will be coming soon.
On February 5, we will hear from guest speaker Matt Guynn. Brethren have a longstanding commitment to peace and justice which includes a deep regard for human life and dignity. Brethren have reached worldwide hoping to help repair the ravages of poverty, violence, ignorance, exploitation, and catastrophic events. Along with our faith, we bring food, books, classes, tools, and medicine. Living peacefully, to the Brethren, means treating each person with the attentive, compassionate respect that all human beings deserve. Though committed to peace, the Brethren tradition is sometimes unsure how or whether to confront deep-seated realities of violence and oppression. We want peace but we aren't always so sure what to do about it. How might Brethren build on our heritage of service and peace to rise to the present moment? What might vital, engaged nonviolent Christianity look like today?
On February 12, join us as we hear from guest speaker Josh Brockway. Figuring out what God is doing always sounds easier than it really is. Sometimes, the people we least expect speak up and give words to God’s activities that make it all clear. This is especially true for the first followers of Jesus. When they met together to hear how God was working with the outsiders, it was Paul—also known as Saul, the man who oversaw the stoning of Stephen—that finally convinced the church leaders that God was including Gentiles through the Spirit of Jesus.
Staying connected is a
In 2018, Beacon Heights selected Breeze as its Church Management Software. Breeze is a web-based church management product catering to the needs of small and midsize churches. It provides an interactive interface to access member details, build reports, record contributions, generate giving statements, manage events, and more.
Breeze is open to all at Beacon Heights. Think of it as an online directory which includes photos, phone numbers, email and mailing addresses of others at Beacon Heights, plus access to shared calendar event information and your personal giving records. Users can update their personal information. Participation is not required.
If you are interested, please send your request to Maurie Sperry (Beacon Heights Breeze administrator) at Your reply will be an email from Breeze indicating your username and starting password.
You can go to the Breeze website or download the Breeze ChMS app and have all your friends' information at your fingertips.
Questions? Comments? — Please contact Breeze Administrator Maurie Sperry.
P.S. — If you would like to update or add a picture for your Breeze account, but perhaps don’t feel comfortable doing so yourself, you are invited to contact Melinda in the church office. She will be glad to assist with your account photograph!
If you have grandkids between the ages of 5 and 10, Grand Camp is a great opportunity. There are two sessions at Camp Mack: June 11-13 and July 30- August 1. Ruth Ann Bever is a co-leader at the June session. It’s a perfect opportunity to spend relaxed time with your grandkids. It begins at 4 on the first afternoon and concludes about 1:30 on the last afternoon - two nights at Camp Mack with planned activities that you can do if you wish. Registration begins February 1. See Ruth Ann for more information. It’s great fun!
Next Sunday: February 5, 2023
Theme & Title: Beloved Community through Nonviolence: Another Way of Living
The Brethren longstanding commitment to peace and justice includes a deep regard for human life and dignity. Brethren reach worldwide to help repair the ravages of poverty, ignorance, exploitation, and catastrophic events. Along with our faith, we bring food, books, classes, tools, and medicine. Living peacefully, to the Brethren, means treating each person with the attentive, compassionate respect that all human beings deserve. What in our peace heritage is relevant today - and how can our peacemaking become more vital?
Matt Guynn
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595