The Beacon
December 15, 2023 Volume 65, No 51
This SUNDAY: December 17, 2023
Theme: Fourth Sunday of Advent: We sing stories of hope!
We invite you to settle into the sanctuary at 10:15 for Prayer with Art. This will begin promptly at 10:20 as we let go of busy-ness, and take a much-needed deep breath, focusing on the Spirit's presence and how God is speaking to us through the art we see.
Then, we will explore the revolutionary power of song in a world filled with suffering, death, violence, and hatred.
To prepare, please read: Luke 1:46-55 and Luke 1:67-80.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Sunday, December 17
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
6:00 p.m. Sophia’s Portico Winter Solstice
Monday, December 18
9:00-12:00 p.m. Office Open
Tuesday, December 19
Office Closed
Wednesday, December 20
9:00-2:00 Office Open
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir and Bell Rehearsal
Thursday, December 21
7:30 Service for the Weary
Office Closed
Friday, December 22
9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open
Saturday, December 23
Sunday, December 24
10:30 a.m. Christmas Brunch
7:00 p.m. Worship
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 12/10/2023:
In-person attendance 66
Offering 12/3 $5,170.00
Food Bank on 12/13/2023:
Individuals: 43
Families: 18
meet and eat
This Sunday, we will gather in the parlor to “Step into the Story" with Pastor Paula. She will lead us in what’s called Ignatian Lectio Divina, focusing on the songs of Mary and Zechariah from Luke 1:46-55 and Luke 1:67-80. Ignatian Lectio Divina invites us to imagine ourselves in the story – as a person, an onlooker, or perhaps an object. It invites us to use all our senses – hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and feeling – as we experience the story or reading. Pastor Paula also will tap into our Advent devotional, so that we can engage that not only as an individual reading it, but as a group. Meet and Eat begins with breakfast at 9:20 in the fellowship hall, and with this program at 9:30 in the parlor. Come prepared to experience the scripture in a creatively different way!
service for the weary-Thursday, December 21st 7:30p.m.
We will gather in the parlor for this intimate, reflective service that acknowledges our grief, fatigue, weariness, and loneliness. This service is sometimes called “Blue Christmas” or “Longest Night,” and indeed, we will be sharing it together on the longest night of the year. Using images, gentle songs, and thoughtful liturgy, we will draw near to one another to receive God’s healing presence as Emmanuel, “God with us.”
2024 Beacon Heights Directory
Please make any corrections or additions to your entry in the directory on the office countertop. You can also email Alexis at with any changes or additions you would like to make before the 2024 directory is printed!
Christmas Eve Brunch and white Elephant Gift Exchange
Join us Sunday, Dec. 24 at 10:30 for breakfast, followed by a gift exchange. If you wish to participate in the White Elephant gift exchange, please bring a wrapped present (used gift paper or newspaper wrapping is fine). It may be something from around your house, a joke gift or a food item. Your trash may be another's treasure! When we exchange gifts, you'll have the opportunity to pick (steal) a gift that has already been opened or select a wrapped gift. Let's share in the joy and fun of Christmas gifts as we celebrate God's greatest gift of all.
A Special message from Don and Joyce Jordan
Don and Joyce wanted to share how thankful they are for the carolers last Sunday! They appreciated all the warm hugs and handshakes as well.
Christmas bureau
Thank you to everyone who made donations of gifts and time to the Christmas Bureau families this year! Your generosity is much appreciated.
Refresh update
Beacon Heights is welcoming the season with beautiful decorations, inspiring worship, generous service to the community and updates to the kitchen! Please stop by the kitchen to welcome new appliances that are intended to add efficiency and comfort for the many folks who use them. But the work isn't done yet! This week Mark Beck will be painted the room and the committee will do its best to complete the final touches before Christmas Eve. We continue to be grateful for the generosity of families that provided memorial gifts and other donations to make these kitchen upgrades possible.
Extra 2024 Calendar?
Do you have extra 2024 calendars? Please donate them to the food bank for use by our clients.
Weekly food bank update
Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are broth, rice, and pancake mix. Monetary donations are also appreciated.
Shoppers are needed for January 10th and 24th and February of next year if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.
New Adult Library books
Perhaps you have noticed the new adult library books displayed on the table between the chairs in the north entryway. These meditative books are for you to check out, enjoy, and contemplate. Pastor Paula has referenced one or two of them in her recent sermons. New books include: Being Mortal-Atul Gawande, Acting in the Wake: Prayers for Justice-Walter Brueggemann, Inciting Joy: Essays-Ross Gay, The Book of Delights: Essays-Ross Gay, A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal-Sarah Bessey, My Voice-Heidi Ramer, and Grateful: the Transformative Power of Giving Thanks-Diana Butler Bass.
Other adult library books, available for check out, are located on the shelf inside the front entryway. Please note that the adult library on the lower level has been disbanded, but there is a wonderful collection of children’s books in the lower level preschool area, available for check out.
Happy reading!
Spirit Journey Women Resumes
Bring your own sack lunch to the parlor.
Lunch 12:30-1:00
Book discussion 1:00-2:00
Prayer concerns 2:00-2:15
Join us as you are able!
11th Annual New years eve
game night
Everyone is cordially invited to the Eleventh Annual New Year's Eve Game Night. Bring cards, games, snacks, knitting, beverages - and - a smile! Beaconers and friends will meet in the Parlor from 8 p.m. to midnight. Hosted by Janet Mitchell and David and Daniel Mitchell-Dix.
Thank You for Your Support
Thanks to all who provided dinners, material support, and prayers for Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network during the first week of December. Ten families (19 children, 14 adults) were kept safe, warm, and well fed during this advent season as parents worked and children went to school. Our dinners, lunch items, and household supplies were much appreciated as these families work through this difficult time toward securing suitable housing. In 2024 Beacon Heights will again have three service rotations, with the first coming up in January. Watch for sign-up opportunities to join the Beacon Heights team January 7, 8, and 9 as we continue this service. Also, please pray for the families and staff that they remain healthy as they continue their work.
In the meantime you can check out Just Neighbors on Facebook or you can go to their website to keep up with the latest news and needs.
Mark and Barb Beck
NEXT SUNDAY: December 24, 2023
Christmas Eve Service
On Christmas Eve, we will gather at 6:40 pm for beautiful music shared by musicians in our community. Our service will then begin at 7:00 p.m. and promises to take us more deeply into what it means to make room for Jesus. We will peek into a conversation shared around a table with a simple meal of bread and tea as friends talk about what is happening in Bethlehem the night that Jesus is born. We will share communion with the same (gluten-free) bread and tea that those friends shared. The choir and bell choir will help us celebrate, and favorite Christmas carols will be sung, including “Silent Night” with candle-lighting. An offering will be collected as a gift to both International House and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. Following worship, you may continue to visit in the fellowship hall as we share tea and a special dessert used traditionally in some cultures to celebrate the birth of babies. Join us for this meaningful service that celebrates the coming of Jesus into our lives.
Pastor Paula Ulrich and Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595
We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)