The Beacon


December 1, 2023 Volume 65, No 49


This SUNDAY: December 3, 2023

Theme: Second Sunday of Advent: We find joy in connection!

We invite you to settle into the sanctuary at 10:15 for a quiet, calming time of Prayer with Art. This will begin promptly at 10:20 as we let go of busy-ness, and take a much-needed deep breath, focusing on the Spirit's presence and how God is speaking to us through the art we see. Then, we will explore the rich relationship between Mary and Elizabeth and the babies that dance in their wombs as they meet one another in solidarity, support, and joy!

To prepare, please read Isaiah 40:1-11 and Luke 1:24-45.

Pastor Paula Ulrich

Sunday, December 3
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, December 4
9:00-12:00 p.m. Office Open

Tuesday, December 5
Office Closed

Wednesday, December 6
Office Open
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting

Thursday, December 7
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Office Closed

Friday, December 8

9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open

Saturday, December 9

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 11/26/2023:

In-person attendance 62
Offering 11/19 $8,146.00


Food Bank on 11/92/2023:

Individuals: 47
Families: 18


meet and eat

This Sunday during Meet and Eat, come "Step into the Story" with Pastor Paula as she leads us in Ignatian Lectio Divina with Luke 1:24-45. This scripture focuses on Mary's visit to Elizabeth. Ignatian Lectio Divina is a slightly different way of reading the scripture. As we listen, we are invited to imagine ourselves in the story. We might decide to be one of the story's characters or an object or an on-looker, noticing what we hear, feel, see, or taste! It's a deep way of experiencing the story -- and feeling it in our bones. Pastor Paula also will help us engage as a gathered group with something (a song, a poem, or a meditation) from our Advent devotional. Meet and Eat will begin with breakfast at 9:20 in the fellowship hall, and with this program at 9:30 in the parlor. Come prepared for a new experience!


We are planning a new display for the entry this Advent season! The Sister Church memorabilia will be temporarily moved to make space for a collection of nativities, on loan from -- you! We're hoping for contributions of different shapes and sizes, from all over the world. If you have one (or more) that you would like to loan for these few weeks, please package it with your name clearly visible, and bring it to the church office. 

We hope to get enough to be able to move nativities in and out of the display over the season, so feel free to bring yours at any time, beginning this weekend. Thanks in advance for making our entry space even more special this year!

Update: We have a great start on our display of nativities - many thanks for those contributions!  There is space for lots more, so please bring as many sets as you like to the church office, making use your name is on the container. Thank you for helping to make our entry space meaningful for the season!

Christmas bureau

Thank you to everyone who made donations of gifts and time to the Christmas Bureau families this year! All gifts are wrapped and will be boxed up and delivered on Monday! Your generosity is much appreciated.


With the blessing of the church board, efforts to ReFRESH our church building will begin in the kitchen this week! On Monday, November 27, beginning at 9:30 am, volunteers are welcome to join in a deep cleaning of the cupboards and cabinets as we sort out what is needed each week and what can be stored elsewhere. Unneeded items will first be made available for reuse, repurposing, or recycling within the congregation. Cleaning will be followed by fresh paint and, hopefully, the arrival of a new stove, new microwaves, and some other items. A brief report on progress will be provided at the December 10 Council meeting.

As the new year begins, the ReFRESH committee will develop a more extensive plan for how to invigorate the building, including options for what might be done, a suggested timeline, and ways to pay for things without detracting from other missions of the congregation. The ReFRESH committee of Donna Kline, Carol Lindquist, Linda Myers, Thom Quinlan, Deb Romary, Lisa Leichty Steele, and Linda Wolf is always glad to hear your thoughts!

Financial support for the kitchen effort has come through the generosity of memorial gifts. For those persons who remembered Beacon Height in their estate planning and for those who will provide future support of time, labor, and money, we give thanks!

Weekly food bank update

Thank you for all your donations! Currently, the most needed items are broth, pasta sauce, and pancake mix. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Shoppers are needed for January and February of next year if you would like to sign-up! The sign-up sheet is located on the office countertop.

Women’s Winter Art Fair

Sophia's Portico is proud to sponsor its 22nd annual Women’s Winter Art Fair on Saturday, December 2, 2023, 11 am to 4 pm at Beacon Heights Church. Admission is free and open to the public. We invite you to support local women artists selling their handcrafted works of jewelry, fabric art, Native American art, glass, pottery, photography, clothing, prints, cards and mixed media. This is a lovely event to find that unique holiday gift. In addition, we will offer delicious homemade soups, breads and a wide assortment of baked goods in a festive atmosphere.

 For further information call Sophia’s Portico 260-482-7402 or  
website: and Facebook

Caroling party

Come join a caroling party on Sunday, December 10, after church. We will have a light lunch provided at church featuring Craig Smith’s delicious chili and a few other things. We will leave about 12:45 and go first to Towne House to sing for Larry Lesh and Don and Joyce Jordans and others at this location. Then we will go to Heritage Point and sing in the chapel for Deverl Whitehead and others. We should be back at church by about 3:00. Please text or email Ruth Ann Bever by Sunday, December 3, if you are attending so we can tell Craig how much chili to fix.

Ladies Birthday Luncheon

The Ladies Birthday Luncheon will take place at 12:30 p.m. on December 13th at Casa Restaurant on Parnell Avenue. Please contact Brenda Galbraith by email: or by phone (260) 466-6479 to RSVP.

Spirit Journey Women Resumes

Bring your own sack lunch to the parlor.
Lunch 12:30-1:00
Book discussion 1:00-2:00
Prayer concerns 2:00-2:15

Join us as you are able!

Lincolnshire COB Audition callout

A play about helping others and how that can help you just as much if not more!

December 18, 2023 7:00 PM at 6404 S Calhoun St. Fort Wayne, IN 46807


5 women between the ages of 20-60; 2 men any age (Voice over only, not physically on stage)

Southern dialect required for all. One female part ALSO requires NJ dialect. Dialect coaching is an option.

Go online to register and receive more information:

Service to Families in Need

Our Beacon Heights fellowship continues to support families transitioning through homelessness at Just Neighbors: Interfaith Homeless Network. We will be providing, but at not serving, dinners at the Just Neighbors home a few blocks from Church on December 3, 4, and 5. Please be part of the team providing meal items on one of those evenings. Food dishes will be dropped off, in nonreturnable containers, at the IHN administration office 2925 E. State, back door, prior to 5:00 PM each day. Staff can reheat as needed. Currently nine families (30 individuals) are in shelter. Other supplies are always appreciated, such as bathroom tissue, cleaning supplies, diapers, lunch food, and can be dropped off at Church or directly to Just Neighbors-IHN. Click this link for the full donation wish list.  

Sign up on the poster or contact Mark/Barb Beck at 637-2144 or 403-6220 or email with questions or to volunteer.

Prayer for peace

by Matt Guynn, Co-Executive Director & Director of Organizing at On Earth Peace

Holy One, break our hearts and form them again. 

We lament death, fear, and destruction in Gaza, Israel, and the entire Middle East. 

We lament those killed, those maimed, those whose spirits are crushed.  

We cry out for our sisters, our brothers, our whole human family still under bombardment and living without water or bread.

Lord, sit with us as we cry. 

Quell the violence when and where it arises -- in hearts or in war rooms.  

Holy One, break our hearts and form them again. 

Lord, guide us to grieve and feel. 

Breathe through us as we inhale, seeking your inspiration. 

Guide us to see your imprint in every person, to value each life. 

Lord, guide us to rise. 

Open our imaginations and open a path to powerful action for justice and peace. 

Holy One, break our hearts and form them again.

NEXT SUNDAY: December 10, 2023

Theme: Third Sunday of Advent-We allow ourselves to be amazed.

We need alert senses to be amazed! Happiness can force itself on you through a handful of Hershey’s kisses or a few candy canes. Joy, though… joy is never manipulative. Joy is an authentic experience that is deeper than happiness, richer than sweetness. When we are willing to feel, taste, hear, touch, and see we are alive to the bitter, the sweet, the joy of life.

To prepare, please read Luke 1:57-66 & Psalm 126.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595

We have two email lists for news: the Beacon (which you're reading) and the Local Congregation (which includes worship information and other announcements). Contact the Office to be added or removed from either list. We also have a private email prayer chain (active participants may contact the Office to opt-in.)