The Beacon
October 6, 2023 Volume 65, No 41
This SUNDAY: October 8, 2023
Theme: Is there only one way to God?
Jesus, in response to the disciples' concern that they won't know the way, said "In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" In what unfamiliar settings have you experienced the holy? In what ways has your experience of God widened? Where have you found enough space to grow?
To prepare, please read John 14:1-6.
Kelly Burk
Sunday, October 8
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship
Monday, October 9
9:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Office Open
7:00 p.m. Witness Commission
Tuesday, October 10
6:30 p.m. Nurture Commission
Office Closed
Wednesday, October 11
9:00-2:00 Office Open
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
7:00 p.m. Stewards Commission
Thursday, October 12
6:30 p.m. Choir
Office Closed
Friday, October 13
9:00 a.m-2:00 p.m. Office Open
Saturday, October 14
11:00 a.m. B.I.C.Y.C.L.E. Ride
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Worship on 10/01/2023:
In-person attendance 59
Offering 9/24 $2,297.00
Food Bank on 10/04/2023:
28 Families served
88 Individuals in families
Join Amy and Bill Hollenberg for a slideshow about their two weeks in Peru and Panama, visiting the rainforest, Machu Picchu and other Incan ruins, and local indigenous communities.
A message from pastor paula
Thank you, dear Community, for the generous Pastor Appreciation gift! What an unexpected surprise! And what a privilege it is to be one of your pastors. I look forward to getting to know you more deeply with the passing of time. And I hope and pray that my presence and leadership will be a blessing as we continue to follow Jesus together, loving the earth, loving one another, and loving others.
Women’s Birthday luncheon
Women of Beacon Heights are invited to celebrate flowers and birthdays at the October Women’s Birthday Luncheon!
October 11, 2023
12:30 p.m.
Clubhouse at the
Villas of Heritage Pointe of Fort Wayne
5250 Heritage Parkway
Bring your own lunch
Beverages and dessert will be provided
RSVP to Janice Shull, 260-416-9552 or
craft and bake sale
Saturday, October 14th
Craft and Bake Sale: 1:00-6:00
Pork Chop Dinner: 5:00-7:00
We still have space available if you would like to sell any craft or baked items (no table fee). You do not need to be present – we can sell items for you.
There will be Gluten Free baked goods!!
For more information, please contact:
Ronda Mendenhall, Pastor
Cedar Creek Church of the Brethren
5952 CR 7, Garrett, IN, 46738
Text/call: 260-237-5007
Photos needed
We need your photos! The theme for worship on October 15 is aging; and we need photos of older people living life -- whether that's actively or more quietly. Examples: playing an instrument, reading to a child, dancing, hiking, holding the hand of someone -- use your imaginations and see what you can find. You're welcome to contribute photos of yourself, or someone you know with their permission, as the photo will be on the screen during worship. Please send them digitally to the church office or bring a print to the office by October 8.
September 2023 Food Bank Statistics
Open 4 Wednesdays
Families served: 75
Individuals served: 226
Food donations
Beacon Heights: 617 lbs.
Associated Churches: 1100 lbs.
Other Churches: 753 lbs.
In addition, Beacon Heights shoppers spent $1465.28 for 1401 lbs.
22 Beacon Heights Food Bank volunteers 125 hrs. to keep the Food Bank operating in September
Thank you to all the September 2923 volunteers
Tom Bever Kathy Schmidt
Ruth Ann Bever Jeanie Lantz
Brenda Galbraith Jan Lung
Sandy Kiracofe Dianne Lung
Mary Whitehead Joan Thompson
Doug Wages Lois Guess
Ev Kilgore Tom Coursen
Maurie Sperry MaryJane Coursen
Susan Harroff Sharon Heitz
Kris Bohnstedt -Thorn Barb Bohnstedt-Thorn
Rachel Harroff Kyla Harroff
food bank needs
The Food Bank has been serving an increasing numbers of families. In order to reduce the amount of food our shoppers need to purchase, we will be asking for donations of the most needed food items each week. Currently, our most needed items are broth and pasta sauce. We will also be needing cash donations.
Last week for books
Please help yourselves to as many books that capture your attention (or that you think a friend might enjoy) from the large supply on the ping pong table and pool table in the youth room on the lower level. There are also books in the shelf by the kitchen door in the fellowship hall that are available to be taken.
The downstairs adult library, which was seldom used, has been dismantled to make shelf space for the preschool to use. Please browse and take books through October 12 when the remaining books will be taken to a donation site.
Current adult books may still be found, available for check out, on the bookshelf in the front entryway. Parents of children or grandchildren or others interested, please enjoy browsing and checking out children’s books from the large selection in the children’s library that remains in place in the lower level preschool. Happy reading!
Rain Barrels
The church has three 50 gallon rain barrels available to anyone who might have a need. There are stands as well as diverters for each. Persons who are interested can contact one of the stewards or the church office.
The Next Beacon's Intergenerational Cycling (Yes Cycling!) League of Enthusiasts ride is on October 14th. We will start in Shipshewana at 11 a.m. and ride the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail. There are varying distances to choose from, the shortest being an about 14 miles round trip to Middlebury. Note that THE TRAIL HEAD HAS CHANGED. Head north on S.R. 5 to the north end of town. Pass the Blue Gate Restaurant and Bakery on the right and then about 2 blocks later, turn right on Depot St. and go several blocks to the parking area. Let me know if you have any questions and also let me know if you are planning ride. That way no one gets left behind. This is a fantastic trail. Hope you can join us!
looking ahead
The Nurture Commission would like to thank everyone who has so thoughtfully planned, crafted, and presented breakfast since we started Meet and Eat! As we approach the Holidays we understand everyone's schedules get busy with other commitments. With this in mind, we wanted to fill up our Eat calendar through the new year. If your heart leads you to help, please go to the shared google documents: Meet & Eat Sign Up. This does require you to have a Google account, so an alternative is to reach out to Thom Quinlan at: or 260.341.5064 (text is preferred).
As a reminder, we ask EAT's be out at 9:20-9:30 to allow those attending the MEET part of the morning to grab a bite. Please do not be intimidated by bringing breakfast, it can be anything you'd like to bring. Not a cook, bring donuts or bagels. Not sure what needs to be done, let Thom know, he can help guide you and even show up that morning to help!
Women’s winter art fair
Sophia's Portico is proud to sponsor its 22nd annual Women’s Winter Art Fair on Saturday, December 2, 2023, 11 am to 4 pm at Beacon Heights Church. Admission is free and open to the public. We invite you to support local women artists selling their handcrafted works of jewelry, fabric art, Native American art, glass, pottery, photography, clothing, prints, cards and mixed media. This is a lovely event to find that unique holiday gift. In addition, we will offer delicious homemade soups, breads and a wide assortment of baked goods in a festive atmosphere.
For further information call Sophia’s Portico 260-482-7402 or
website: and Facebook
NEXT SUNDAY: October 15, 2023
Theme: When the Golden Years Are Not So Golden
It’s not easy to grow old. No matter the outside, we still feel young and able inside. But then we find ourselves, sometimes suddenly and sometimes little by little, faced with the inevitable losses that go with aging. We have a harder time hearing and a harder time seeing. Our knees ache and get to be so painful that we need knee replacement surgery. We don’t bounce back like we used to. We look in the mirror and feel surprised to see an older person looking back at us; or we feel shocked when we see a photograph of someone who’s our age and they look old! The list goes on with minor annoyances and serious problems, sometimes culminating in giving up our homes and giving up the freedom of driving. To top it off, our culture dismisses us as we grow older, as if we are no longer relevant or important. It’s enough to give a person an identity crisis or depression. So, how do we age gracefully, with wisdom and peace? How do we hold on to our identity and hope? How do we keep living into who we are even when what we can do changes significantly? While this message may be more relevant to some than to others, all of us know someone who’s going through this. And all of us are growing older every day.
To prepare, please read Isaiah 46:3-4.
Pastor Paula Ulrich
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595