The Beacon


October 20, 2023 Volume 65, No 43


This SUNDAY: October 22, 2023

Theme: Call The Midwives  

We will consider the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, and their spiritual resistance to power when Pharaoh orders the destruction of every male Hebrew child. Instead, they save the children, relying on their loyalty to God, and lying to Pharaoh for the protection and preservation of God’s people. To what kind of resistance or counter cultural life does God call you? How do you “go against the grain” in your everyday life -  In big ways or small ways? Have you ever had to tell a lie? How do we find the courage and energy to practice resistance? How might we find support, inspiration, and energy through the stories of scripture, God’s presence, and one another?

To prepare, please read Exodus 1:8-22.

Pastor Paula Ulrich

Sunday, October 22
9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat
10:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, October 23
9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open

Tuesday, October 24
Office Closed

Wednesday, October 25
9:00-2:00 Office Open
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Food Bank
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting

Thursday, October 26
6:30 p.m. Choir
Office Closed

Friday, October 27
9:00-2:00 p.m. Office Open
7:00 p.m. Sophia’s Portico-Samhain

Saturday, October 28

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Worship on 10/08/2023:

In-person attendance 51
Offering 10/08 $7,773.00


Food Bank on 10/18/2023:

33 Families served
103 Individuals in families



Dan Ulrich will share about a book that he is writing titled, Gospel Visions for Troubled Times. We will focus on Mark 14:1-11 in connection with Chapter Three of the book on "The Gospel of Mark and Solidarity in Suffering." 

Dan has described the book this way when pitching it to a publisher: "Gospel Visions for Troubled Times demonstrates that the four canonical Gospels can inspire life-giving responses to crises that trouble people and the planet today. Each of the four main chapters begins with information about a pressing problem and then models how close reading of a Gospel text can contribute to present-day solutions. This book is essential reading for present and future church leaders who have been called by Jesus to help heal the world."

Refugee FAmily Update

We have confirmation for a rental house! The house is conveniently located close to the church. Move in date is Saturday, October 21st. We would greatly appreciate help that day. We have lots of stuff for the family at the church that we need to get into their home and then we’ll have a couple of days to move the things from their current home. Thank you so much for your past (and future) help!

Rain Barrels

The church has three 50 gallon rain barrels available to anyone who might have a need. There are stands as well as diverters for each. Persons who are interested can contact one of the stewards or the church office.

Weekly food bank update

Thank you for all your donations! The food bank is happy to report your food donations have helped the shoppers purchase smaller amounts of food. They have not had to carry such large orders down to the food bank. Currently, the most needed items are broth, pasta sauce, and pancake mix. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

All Saint’s day worship

For worship on Oct. 29, we'll remember All Saint's Day. Everyone is invited to bring along a photo or object on October 29 that represents a “saint” in their lives, whether that’s a person who has passed on or a person still living, who has inspired or encouraged them spiritually or impacted their faith in some way. You will be invited to place it on a table during the service. There also will be an invitation to share briefly about that person during the Message if you wish to do that.

Trunk or treat

Join us after worship on October 29th in the church parking lot for trunk or treating. We will have decorated trunks and candy to hand out!

Save the date

We will be having a welcoming reception for the refugee family at church after the Sunday, November 12th service! Please save the date and there will be more info to come.

looking ahead

The Nurture Commission would like to thank everyone who has so thoughtfully planned, crafted, and presented breakfast since we started Meet and Eat! As we approach the Holidays we understand everyone's schedules get busy with other commitments. With this in mind, we wanted to fill up our Eat calendar through the new year. If your heart leads you to help, please go to the shared google documents:  Meet & Eat Sign Up. This does require you to have a Google account, so an alternative is to reach out to Thom Quinlan at: or 260.341.5064 (text is preferred).
As a reminder, we ask EAT's be out at 9:20-9:30 to allow those attending the MEET part of the morning to grab a bite. Please do not be intimidated by bringing breakfast, it can be anything you'd like to bring. Not a cook, bring donuts or bagels. Not sure what needs to be done, let Thom know, he can help guide you and even show up that morning to help!

Women’s winter art fair

Sophia's Portico is proud to sponsor its 22nd annual Women’s Winter Art Fair on Saturday, December 2, 2023, 11 am to 4 pm at Beacon Heights Church. Admission is free and open to the public. We invite you to support local women artists selling their handcrafted works of jewelry, fabric art, Native American art, glass, pottery, photography, clothing, prints, cards and mixed media. This is a lovely event to find that unique holiday gift. In addition, we will offer delicious homemade soups, breads and a wide assortment of baked goods in a festive atmosphere.

 For further information call Sophia’s Portico 260-482-7402 or  
website: and Facebook

NEXT SUNDAY: October 29, 2023

Theme: Of Saints and Signposts 

On October 29th, we will celebrate All Saints Day several days early! We will consider the history of Halloween and All Saints Day; what it means to be a saint (which includes us!); and remember the saints in our lives who have inspired and encouraged our spirituality and faith. This might be a person who has passed on, or it might be someone living. Please remember that you are invited to bring a photo or object representing that person, and you will be invited to place it on the worship center during the service. There also will be an invitation to share briefly about that person during the Message if you wish to do that.  

To prepare, please read Revelation 7:9-17.

Pastor Paula Ulrich


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Alexis Shoda
Phone: (260) 482-8595