The Beacon
December 8, 2022 Volume 64, No 50
this Sunday: December 11, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent: Hope
Theme: The Things They Carried: Fear of the Unknown
Mary understood that she was carrying the Son of God but that message didn’t come with any guarantees about the future. While she knew logically what she was told, the reality was that life was made challenging from the beginning as Herod sought to destroy her son.
Please read Psalm 92 and Psalm 104 to prepare.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Sunday, December 11
9:30 a.m. Council Meeting
Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
12 noon Anne Ott (Parlor)
3:00 p.m. Preschool Staff Holiday Party
Monday, December 12
6:00 p.m. Stewards Commission
Tuesday, December 13
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
6:00 p.m. Sophia’s Portico rehearsal for Solstice
6:30 p.m. Nurture Commission
Wednesday, December 14
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
12:30 p.m. Ladies’ Birthday Luncheon
(Casa Grille, Stellhorn)
Thursday, December 15
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, December 16
Church Office closed.
Saturday, December 17
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Weekly Announcements
December’s Eat and Meet gatherings will have a virtual option: those who wish to have a focused discussion on the Advent devotional will meet in the parlor and welcome friends to join on zoom (especially those who have flown south for the winter). If you prefer a casual Meet and Eat time, you are most welcome to stay in the fellowship hall! There are also prayer stations in the South Classroom for quieter reflection.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Wayne invites us to a Family Game Night on Saturday, December 10, starting at 7 p.m. See Robyn Valdizón if you have questions or can bring snacks. Hot chocolate will be provided.
On Sunday, December 11, we will have a brief council meeting during the 9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat time. You should have received a copy of the proposed 2023 budget in the email with the worship bulletin, and printed copies are available on the church office counter.
We'll be welcoming new members on January 22 in worship. If you'd like to learn more about being one of them, please join Pastor Anna Lisa for a simple lunch on Tuesday, Dec 20 at noon in the Parlor.
Statistics 12/4/2022
Worship 70
Offering 11/27/2022 $10,789.00
Food Bank on December 7:
34 Families served
118 Individuals in families
We're collecting socks all through Advent to share holiday warmth with our neighbors. Bring new socks of all types and sizes - we'll share with YWCA, Just Neighbors Interfaith Hospitality Network, and Fort Wayne Community Schools clothing bank. Put your socks in the stocking!
Ladies Birthday Luncheon
On December 14, the Ladies' Birthday Luncheon will gather at Casa Grille on Stellhorn Road at 12:30 p.m. Please let Brenda know by December 12 if you are able to attend, so that she can settle a reservation with the restaurant: (260) 466-6479 All are welcome!
Caroling with Beacon Heights
We'll share Christmas cheer with friends who cannot get out much by singing carols. Meet on Sun, Dec 18 at 3:30 in the parking lot and we'll set off on an adventure, returning by 5:30 so we can share chili and ice cream sundaes and say a bittersweet farewell to Elizabeth, Monty and Agatha (who are moving to Valparaiso at Christmastime.) Please RSVP to Ruth Ann Bever so our chefs can prepare accordingly. (You can come for just one part of the event or the other.)
Join us on the longest night — December 21 — for a Blue Christmas gathering.
The sanctuary will be open for a time of quiet prayer at 7 p.m. and the service will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Join us Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or both!
Tenth Annual New Year's Eve Game Night
Everyone is cordially invited to the Tenth Annual New Year's Eve Game Night. Bring cards, games, snacks, knitting, beverages - and a smile!
Beaconers and friends will meet in the Parlor from 8 p.m. to midnight. Hosted by Janet Mitchell and family.
next Sunday: December 18, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Peace
Theme: The Things They Carried: Personal Pride and Control
Joseph was an adult man engaged but not married to a young woman named Mary who was already pregnant. Who else knew about her pregnancy? Why would they believe she was carrying the son of God? Together, Mary and Joseph signed on for something that was not of their own choosing and that had potential to ruin their reputations.
We will share communion this week as we celebrate Immanuel: God-with-us.
Please read Luke 1: 26-56 to prepare.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595