The Beacon
December 2, 2022 Volume 64, No 49
this Sunday: December 4, 2022
Second Sunday of Advent: Love
Theme: The Things They Carried: Anger, Impatience, and Love
This week, our sermon will ask "Is There Room for More?" using Luke 2:1-7. Rev. John P. Gardner will explore our advent theme, The Things We Carry, with an eye towards anger, impatience, and Love.
The Rev. John P. Gardner is a semi-retired pastor/teacher in the United Church of Christ. He was licensed for ministry in 1977, and ordained in 1980. From 1980-1997 he served as Pastor & Teacher of the Webster Church, UCC, in Dexter, Michigan; from 1998-2018 he served as Senior Minister of Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC, Fort Wayne. He has since served as interim Pastor of First Congregational UCC, Angola (2019), and as Sabbatical Pastor for St. John's United Church, Chesterton, IN (2021). Currently he is involved with the Indiana-Kentucky Conference, UCC, as Secretary of the Board of Directors, and as a member of the Transitional Ministry Round Table. He additionally serves a Facilitator for a Clergy Community of Practice (CCoP) group for Members in Discernment (MID) in the UCC.
This summer John worked with the Parks & Recreation Department as First Mate on the Sweetbreeze, the canal boat replica that offers river tours on Fort Wayne’s three rivers.
Please read Luke 2: 1-7 to prepare.
Rev. John P. Gardner
Sunday, December 4
Just Neighbors: IHN
9:30 a.m. Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
2 p.m. Memorial for Carole Baker
(at Manchester CoB)
Monday, December 5
Just Neighbors: IHN
Tuesday, December 6
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
Just Neighbors: IHN
Wednesday, December 7
Anna Lisa involved in memorial service all day.
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
2 p.m. Memorial service for Dorothy Gall
(at Bethany Community Church)
Thursday, December 8
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, December 9
Church Office closed.
Saturday, December 10
7 p.m. Family Game Night
(at Unitarian Universalist Church)
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Weekly Announcements
Remember: the Sing Me Home benefit concert is this Saturday evening at Manchester Church of the Brethren. All proceeds go to support On Earth Peace, and the event is sponsored in part by Beacon Heights’ Witness team!)
Beacon Heights continues to support families transitioning through homelessness at Just Neighbors: Interfaith Homeless Network. We still need side dishes for Dec 4-6, as well as other donations. Contact Mark or Barb Beck to volunteer.
December’s Eat and Meet gatherings will have a virtual option: those who wish to have a focused discussion on the Advent devotional will meet in the parlor and welcome friends to join on zoom (especially those who have flown south for the winter). If you prefer a casual Meet and Eat time, you are most welcome to stay in the fellowship hall! There are also prayer stations in the South Classroom for quieter reflection.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Wayne invites us to a Family Game Night on Saturday, December 10, starting at 7 p.m. See Robyn Valdizón if you have questions or can bring snacks. Hot chocolate will be provided.
Next Sunday, December 11, we will have a brief council meeting during the 9:30 a.m. Meet & Eat time. You should have received a copy of the proposed 2023 budget in the email with the worship bulletin, and printed copies are available on the church office counter.
We have been invited to a Christmas Concert concert at Crest Manor Church of the Brethren on Friday, December 16.
Statistics 11/27/2022
Worship 73
Offering 11/20/2022 $2,905.00
Food Bank on November 30:
16 Families served
62 Individuals in families
We extend our sympathy to the Runkle family following Marjorie’s death on October 31, 2022.
Christmastime is full of clutter: material, emotional and spiritual. This Advent we'll practice putting away clutter - each Sunday we'll remove something from the worship center. How is de-cluttering meaningful for your holiday season? Advent devotionals from Global Women's Project and Brethren Press will nourish the simple gifts of the season. If you have not received one yet, these devotionals are available at the church.
We're collecting socks all through Advent to share holiday warmth with our neighbors. Bring new socks of all types and sizes - we'll share with YWCA, Just Neighbors Interfaith Hospitality Network, and Fort Wayne Community Schools clothing bank. Put your socks in the stocking!
NIDCOB Nominations
Did you know that no one from the Northern Indiana District (of the CoB) has been on Mission and Ministry Board for at least 5 years? Now is the time to nominate people for MMB -- and a bunch of other positions: On Earth Peace board, Bethany board, Moderator...etc. Any member of Beacon Heights could be nominated to these positions!
Come to a zoom Nominations Party on Tuesday, Dec 6 at 8pm to learn about all the open positions and how to nominate people. Carol Lindquist and Pastor Anna Lisa Gross will be there, along with other members of the Womaen's Caucus Steering Committee.
We shared Christmas gifts with two local families through the Christmas Bureau. Thank you to Lisa Liechty-Steele for coordinating, and all who participated!
Join us on the longest night — December 21 at 7:00 p.m. — for a Blue Christmas gathering.
Ladies Birthday Luncheon
On December 14, the Ladies' Birthday Luncheon will gather at Casa Grille on Stellhorn Road at 12:30 p.m. Please let Brenda know by December 12 if you are able to attend, so that she can settle a reservation with the restaurant: (260) 466-6479 All are welcome!
Caroling with Beacon Heights
Come help us sing Christmas carols at several places of residence of Beacon Heights members. We will meet at the church at 3:30 on Sunday, December 18. We will carol and hope to be back to Beacon Heights at about 5:30 p.m. to enjoy some of Craig Smith’s chili. Following the chili and some dessert at about 6:00, we will have a “Good-Bye “ party for Elizabeth, Monte, and Agatha Sutton. Even if you don’t carol, you are welcome to join us for the party at about 6:00. If you plan to come carol or just want to join us for chili, please let Ruth Ann Bever know (260-341-2965) or so we will have an idea of how many for the chili.
next Sunday: December 11, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent: Hope
Theme: The Things They Carried: Fear of the Unknown
Mary understood that she was carrying the Son of God but that message didn’t come with any guarantees about the future. While she knew logically what she was told, the reality was that life was made challenging from the beginning as Herod sought to destroy her son.
Please read Psalm 92 and Psalm 104 to prepare.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595