The Beacon


November 11, 2022 Volume 64, No 46


this Sunday: November 13, 2022

Theme & Title: Work and Obligation

“Any unwilling to work do not eat” proclaims this passage - and it sure seems like the opposite of Jesus’ ministry. Seems like the expectation that Jesus would return any day now meant some in the Thessalonian church didn’t see the point of showing up to work, or bringing food to potlucks, or putting the dishes away. Sound familiar? Many of us (and our loved ones) don’t see the point of addressing climate change (it’s too late anyway), or rooting into a community (the world is too precarious and people let you down), or reaching out to newcomers and neighbors (our congregation is shrinking and aging too fast). What are the practices in our shared life - our worship, socializing and service - and what are we proclaiming through our actions? Are we sharing the practices and traditions that we intend to?

Please read 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 to prepare.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross

Sunday, November 13
9:30 a.m.          Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m.        Worship
12:00 noon Anne Ott (Parlor)
6:15 p.m. Search Team (Zoom)

Monday, November 14
6:30 p.m. Witness Commission meeting
7:00 p.m. Stewards Commission meeting

Tuesday, November 15
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
1:00 p.m. Advocacy Links Game Day
6:30 p.m. Nurture Commission (rescheduled from last week)

Wednesday, November 16
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m.        Food Bank

Thursday, November 17
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
5:00 p.m. Preschool Parent-Teacher Conference
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice

Friday, November 18
Church Office closed.
9:00 a.m. Preschool Parent-Teacher Conference

Saturday, November 19

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Weekly Announcements

  • Save the date - Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Wayne invites Beacon Heights to a Family Game Night on Saturday, December 10th from 7-9pm. More information to follow soon.

  • Education Commission invites all youth, kids, mentors, and parents to come help us on November 18th as we bake pies for the church members and friends we don't get to see very often.  We will meet at the church at 6 p.m. and have pizza for dinner.  Please contact Brenda Galbraith (260-466-6479) to let her know if you can attend!

  • We have been invited to two separate upcoming concerts: a Sing Me Home benefit at Manchester Church of the Brethren on Saturday, December 3, where all proceeds go to support On Earth Peace; and the Crest Manor Christmas Concert on Friday, December 16.  Find more info in the Beacon!

  • We invite you to complete a worship survey (available on the office counter) and share your talents in worship together. Surveys can be returned to Carla Kilgore and the worship team.

Thank you to Stewards Commission for organizing our Fall Work Day last Saturday (Nov 5)! And a special thank you to all of those who shared in the work:
Doug Wages, Linda Wolf, Greg and Elliot Shoda, John and Leland Harding, Braydon Garcia and Brandon Fox, Dave and Mary Wysong, and Paul Spoelhof!

Statistics 11/6/2022

Worship 61
Offering 10/30/2022 $3,545.00


Food Bank on November 9:

23 Families served
65 Individuals in families


How About a Birthday Card for Wilma?

Some of you may know Wilma Anderson. She was one of the early members of Beacon Heights and now lives at Timbercrest. She will be 95 on November 17. She would appreciate cards from those of you who knew her! Wilma Anderson P.O. Box 501. Timbercrest. North Manchester, IN. 46962

The Fort Wayne Terrible Orchestra in Concert

You are invited to the next free Fort Wayne Terrible Orchestra Concert on November 14 from 7:15 to 8 PM at First Missionary Church, 701 W Rudisill Blvd, Fort Wayne. I play in the viola section. Look us up on Facebook! "We are busy getting ready for our concert, November 14! Mozart, Mendelssohn, Lully, Jupiter from The Planets by Holst, Country Western songs, and many more. Our biggest selection yet!”

from Jan Mitchell

Food Bank Needs

We are so grateful to those who have stepped forward to sign up for Staples Shopping for the Food Bank. We couldn’t do it without you! Right now, the calendar is looking full. However, if you would like to learn more about this volunteer opportunity for future needs, connect with Tom Coursen or Jan Lung to learn more.

The Food Bank is in need of plastic bags and cardboard boxes! Regular shopping bags (preferably without holes) are ideal. We are also looking for sturdy cardboard boxes, with or without lids.

Thank you for your support!

Help a Family in Need:  Christmas Bureau 2022

Beacon is continuing its partnership with The Christmas Bureau by sponsoring 2 families this year.  Family #1 includes Kelvin (age 65), Tatianna (age 19), Kendall (age 14) & Kendrick (age 9).  Family #2 includes Joseph (age 55), Stephanie (age 50) & Mason (age 4). 

Please consider helping by signing up on the poster board outside of the sanctuary.  There are a wide selection of needs, including clothing, households basics and food for a Christmas Day meal.  If you are unable to shop or prefer to make a monetary donation, please put donations in the offering plate by November 27 (or deliver it to Melinda in the office) and designate “Christmas Bureau Family”.

Please bring all items unwrapped to the church and drop off in the parlor room by Sunday, November 27. 

We will need help with wrapping the week of 11/28.  If you would like to participate, please contact Lisa and we will decide on a date that works for most.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help a family in need this Holiday Season!

“Life of Peter” now available

Joel Kline has completed a second book (The Exile was published several years ago) for the denomination’s Covenant Bible Studies series. Life of Peter is now available for purchase through Brethren Press. Here is a brief description:

‘Peter plays a central role in the story of Jesus. The four Gospel writers often place him in a prominent position among the initial band of twelve disciples, portraying him as speaking or acting for the whole group. But, as the biblical narrative tells, Peter is far from perfect. There is an intriguing mixture of fear and courage, affirmation and denial, conviction and doubt, impulsiveness and resolution. In this study, we will examine the life and faith of the apostle Peter, with all his human frailties as well as his strengths, and consider what we might learn about the journey of Christian discipleship.’

Congratulations, Joel!

Brethren Voices

Beacon Heights has sponsored the video program "Brethren Voices" on Public Access TV for some time. It is a monthly program produced by Peace Church of the Brethren in Portland, Oregon about a wide range of topics. The same program is presented twice a month at 4:30 on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. It is on Access 2 (comcast 57 or Frontier 27). You can also watch it on YouTube. This month it is about 2 German Friends who volunteered in BVS at a food pantry in Portland. Take a look!

next Sunday: November 20, 2022

Theme & Title:

The ancient prophets felt compelled to speak words of judgment in the face of injustice and oppression, but that was not the final word to be spoken. Rather, those prophets lived with a burning conviction that God is a God of healing and wholeness, a God of new life and new beginnings. In the text from Jeremiah 23, the prophet both proclaims judgment against oppressive leaders and announces that God is able to overcome the failures of flawed human leaders. God is able to bring about new creation, and you and I are to give voice and witness to a new world coming.

Please read Jeremiah 23: 1-6 to prepare.

Joel Kline


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595