The Beacon


October 27, 2022 Volume 64, No 44


this Sunday: October 30, 2022

Theme & Title: Oaks of Righteousness —
Celebrating wise, wrinkled elders, and the ones who have passed on.

This time of year we celebrate the ones who have passed on - all saints or all souls day, all hallow’s eve, halloween…so many ways to mark this holy theme! We’re doing it with the wisdom of trees, who root deep, deep down, then let their leaves go. Trees have a long view of time (compared to humans). And trees probably understand loss and death differently than we do - does a leaf feel that it dies when it falls in the autumn? Does the tree feel loss? Let’s wonder together.

Please read Isaiah 61:1–3 to prepare.

Pastor Anna Lisa Gross

Sunday, October 30
9:30 a.m.          Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m.        Worship
12:30 p.m. Trunk or Treat Neighborhood Party

Monday, October 31

Tuesday, November 1
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
7:00 p.m. Care Team Meeting (at Wysongs)

Wednesday, November 2
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m.        Food Bank
5:30 p.m. Worship Team Meeting (at Longs)

Thursday, November 3
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice

Friday, November 4
Church Office closed.

Saturday, November 5
8:30 a.m. Stewards’ Fall Work Day

Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!

Weekly Announcements

  • Sunday, October 30, we will be gathering a special offering for 2 Cents a Meal. Please bring your change to put in the jar!

  • On October 30, join us to Create Community in the Neighborhood with “trunk-or-treat” at 12:30 p.m. in the north parking lot! Bring a sack lunch, and candy or other small items to give from your car to attending children.

  • Stewards Commission is seeking volunteers to assist with the Fall Work Day on Saturday November 5th. Bring a pair of gloves and join us – we will get started at 8:30 a.m. There will be something for all ages, abilities, and interests! Stewards can't do it alone - we all share the property and get to care for it together!

  • We invite you to complete a worship survey (available on the office counter) and share your talents in worship together. Surveys can be returned to Carla Kilgore and the worship team.

Please save any kind of can tabs for Linda Wolf or Jennifer Johnson. Croninger elementary school is doing a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald house.

Statistics 10/23/2022

Worship 63
Offering 10/16/2022 $3,906.00


Food Bank on October 26:

27 Families served
89 Individuals in families


Creating Community in the Neighborhood

Sunday we're celebrating fun and community with our first "trunk-or-treat" which is like Halloween in a parking lot with decorated trunks. If you're decorating your trunk, please park in the north lot. If not, parking on the south side would be ideal.

  • We'll begin at 12:30: handing out treats, painting a mural together, adding foursquare and hopscotch to our parking lots, and enjoying the kids' costumes.

  • Bring a sack lunch or grab some take-out from Bangkok Bistro or Firefly. We'll have cookies, cider and candy (so you might want a layer of healthy food, first.)

  • Whether you're an extrovert or introvert, creative or not, there is a place for you at trunk-or-treat as we enjoy each other and our neighbors!

Spirit Journey Women

Spirit Journey Women, a small group that usually meets two times a month in person or on zoom for visiting and for discussion of a book, will start up again soon. You are invited to bring a sack lunch and to meet in the church parlor on Thursday November 10 at 12:30 to share time together. Book discussion will be from around 1:00 to 2:15 with a few minutes at the end to share prayer concerns. Two other meeting dates will be Thursday December 1 and Thursday December 15. We will begin discussing A PILGRIMAGE TO ETERNITY by Timothy Egan. Please read through page 34 for the November meeting if you can. Check the public library for the book or ask Donna Lesh for help in ordering a gently used book.

October 30 is the last day to Bring in your old shoes!

All through October we will be collecting shoes of any kind -- sneakers, boots, flip-flops, heels -- in any condition. The Heritage Lions Club is collecting them for Changing Footprints. The shoes will go to disaster areas and others in need. Those no longer good for wearing will be sent to Nike to be made into playground equipment. They are asking groups to help with the collection. Let's clean out our closets and make a large mountain of shoes appear at church. They will also accept old eyeglasses and cell phones.

Witness Commission

Food Bank Needs

We are so grateful to those who have stepped forward to sign up for Staples Shopping for the Food Bank. We couldn’t do it without you! Right now, the calendar is looking full. However, if you would like to learn more about this volunteer opportunity for future needs, connect with Tom Coursen or Jan Lung to learn more.

The Food Bank is in need of plastic bags! Regular shopping bags (preferably without holes) are ideal, but we can also use newspaper bags for some items.

Thank you for your support!

Game Night fun - don't miss the next one! We had a blast!
With friends from the Unitarian Universalist congregation, we enjoyed all types of games and feasted, too.

Sing Me Home presents Jacob Jolliff & Seth Hendricks with Hearth & Hymn, December 3, 2022.  Reserve tickets at -- suggested donation is $25, with all proceeds supporting On Earth Peace.

Join Manchester Church of the Brethren for another Sing Me Home benefit concert!

next Sunday: November 6, 2022

Theme & Title: Enveloped by Hope

Author Brené Brown writes that “We need hope like we need air.” Hope is more than a simple wish; it is a foundational belief that carries us through doubt and fear and enables us to live fully in our love for others. Join us this Sunday as we will see and hear images of hope anchored in the beautiful words of Romans 8:28-39.

Please read Romans 8: 28-39 to prepare.

curated by Carol Lindquist


Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren

Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595