The Beacon
October 23, 2022 Volume 64, No 43
this Sunday: October 23, 2022
Theme & Title: Deep roots, wide branches; everything has a purpose in God’s creation — everything in its own time.
This week, we will continue our exploration of Psalm 1:1-3 with a creative worship service.
Curated by Lisa Liechty-Steele
Sunday, October 23
9:30 a.m. Eat and Meet
10:30 a.m. Worship
12:00 noon Executive Committee meeting
Monday, October 24
Tuesday, October 25
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
Wednesday, October 26
Pastor Anna Lisa onsite.
9:30 a.m. Food Bank
11:30 a.m. Worship Team tech meeting
Thursday, October 27
11:30 a.m. Worship Preview meeting
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Friday, October 28
7:00 p.m. Sophia’s Portico: Samhain celebration
Saturday, October 29
Remember to check the Breeze calendar for upcoming events and activities!
Weekly Announcements
Remember to join us on Saturday, October 22, for an all-ages Game Night at Beacon Heights! We will gather from 7-9 p.m. at 2810 Beacon Street, Fort Wayne. You are welcome to bring snacks and/or games — or just show up and enjoy what we have here!
On October 30, join us to Create Community in the Neighborhood with “trunk-or-treat” at 12:30 p.m. in the north parking lot! Bring a sack lunch, and candy or other small items to give from your car to attending children. More information is available in the Beacon.
Mark your calendar: Stewards Fall Work Day is coming up on November 5! We will have various tasks indoors and out. Wear your work clothes and we will get started at 8:30 a.m. (or arrive whenever you can).
We invite you to complete a worship survey (available on the office counter) and leave some gleanings for others through our worship together. Surveys can be returned to Carla Kilgore and the worship team.
Statistics 10/16/2022
Worship 63
Offering 10/9/2022 $4,445.00
Food Bank on October 19:
21 Families served
75 Individuals in families
Creating Community in the Neighborhood
We are hosting a fun Fall afternoon for Beacon Heights and church neighbors. Bring a sack lunch on October 30 to eat with Beacon Heights folks after church. Then at 12:30, we are inviting the few blocks immediately surrounding the church to join us in the parking lot for "trunk-or-treat", painting a mural on the parking lot in the half basketball court, doing crafts, enjoying cider and cookies or fruit, playing on the playground, shooting a few hoops before the painting starts. It will be a relaxed time to enjoy getting to know new people and to extend God's welcome to literal neighbors. Besides your own lunch, please bring candy or other small items to give from your car to children who walk the parking lot to collect the goodies. Feel free to bring a frisbee or any other item we can use for fun that day. We will set up a few tables for relaxing and a few board games as well. Please mark your calendars and plan to join this celebration of fall, friendship, and God's goodness!
October 30 is the last day to Bring in your old shoes!
All through October we will be collecting shoes of any kind -- sneakers, boots, flip-flops, heels -- in any condition. The Heritage Lions Club is collecting them for Changing Footprints. The shoes will go to disaster areas and others in need. Those not good for wearing will be sent to Nike to be made into playground equipment. They are asking groups to help with the collection. Let's clean out our closets and make a large mountain of shoes appear at church. They will also accept old eyeglasses and cell phones.
Witness Commission
Beacon Heights is working at Camp Mack, and your help is needed!
More information on activities and how to sign up are available here.
next Sunday: October 30, 2022
Theme & Title: Oaks of Righteousness
Celebrating wise, wrinkled elders, and the ones who have passed on.
This time of year we celebrate the ones who have passed on - all saints or all souls day, all hallow’s eve, halloween…so many ways to mark this holy theme! We’re doing it with the wisdom of trees, who root deep, deep down, then let their leaves go. Trees have a long view of time (compared to humans). And trees probably understand loss and death differently than we do - does a leaf feel that it dies when it falls in the autumn? Does the tree feel loss? Let’s wonder together.
Please read Isaiah 61:1–3 to prepare.
Pastor Anna Lisa Gross
Published by Beacon Heights
Church of the Brethren
Editor: Melinda Long
Phone: (260) 482-8595